
Chapter 37: Love Has No End


When Tyler returns from Theo’s the next morning, I fix us a snack of apples and peanut butter at the kitchen island while he takes Chinook to the backyard. When he returns, he takes the stool next to mine, sharing the games he played with Levi and Clint at Theo’s house last night.

When he chomps on his apple slice, I begin. “Remember the story of how Nana and Papa adopted me?”

Tyler nods while he chews, a little apple juice dripping from the corner of his mouth. I wait patiently for him to swallow.

“You love Nana and Papa like your mom and dad, just like I love you.” Tyler repeats the words I’ve shared with him many times.

“Right.” I smile. “Sky and I have been asked to adopt a baby.”

His eyes grow wide. “I get to be a big brother?” Tyler asks, excitement welling up inside him.

“Would you like that?” I ask, eager to understand his true feelings. “We’d have to share time with you and the baby.”

“I’m gonna be the best big brother ever!” Tyler exclaims. “I’ll be just like Dan, Levi
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