
Chapter 8

I made a mental note to call Grace later as I headed downstairs for coffee. The way our conversation ended felt stilted to say the least and I prayed she didn’t feel offended. It wasn’t a matter of not wanting to spend time with her, far from it. She seemed like a fun, caring person, but it felt off to go dress shopping or cake tasting with a woman I was practically scamming. I bet it would have been so much easier if the rest of Ethan’s family were total douches like him. Plus, this was a job of sorts. I had no intentions of leaving my responsibilities in the restaurant to play family with Ethan, whenever they demanded.

Miles came into the living room just as I reached the landing. Together we trudged to the kitchen to begin our routine. Mornings for both of us went like this. I would be down the kitchen around the time he returned from his jog, and we’d seat and catchup, before he would leave to get ready for school, and me, for work. I was glad dad’s illness hadn’t taken that away from us.

I brewed our coffee while he made sandwiches for the both of us.

“Check this out .” he said while we sat down at the kitchen counter. He slid his phone across to me. “Wow, am I actually getting unlimited access to your phone, topolino” I teased. He rolled his eyes. “Just look at the damn article.”

The only news I followed were fashion related. Miles had taken it upon himself to make sure I remained up to date on other matters. But normally he would read them himself, and extend the phone if there was anything I needed to see. God forbid I touch his phone. Apparently today was special. I wondered why it was.

The headline for the article read : CEO and second in line to inherit Crowe empire spotted sharing passionate kiss with mystery woman.

As I scrolled, I found several photos of me and Ethan in the gazebo, cozying it up. my lips dried at the site of the provocative photos. From the way Ethan clung to me, to the look of pleasure on my face. I was relieved that the lower half of our bodies were hidden proper by the plants and railing of the gazebo.

This is it, this is what we wanted, but looking at the article , a wave of unease wash over me. I looked up to find Miles watching me, I hoped my face betrayed none of my panic as I handed his phone back.

“Read it to me.” I asked, and took a sip of my coffee.

“It says ‘Young CEO, Ethan Crowe is found sharing a steamy kiss with his new beau. “ he cleared his throat and continued,“Is love really in the air? For the first time in six years, the enigmatic and most wanted Bachelor in California is seen in the arms of a woman. Over the years, we have had rumors of his relationship with several bachelorettes of the elite, the most recent being his affair with super model and daughter of hotshot Car guru, Ava Williams...”

“I think that’s enough of that today.” I said quietly. Miles nodded and laid his phone on the table. We ate in silence.

“I wish you didn’t have to do this...” he started, his head bowed. “I wish I could do more for us, but I can’t and I feel useless-”

“Hey, don’t do that. Don’t ever say that, Miles.” I shook my head. He shouldn’t have to do more, as far as I was concerned, he was still a kid, he wasn’t supposed to have to ‘do more’ . I knew he was having problems, but Miles could never be forced to admit his fears, I was glad that he was opening up. I scooted my chair closer to him and grabbed his hand.

“You do more than enough., okay? You are not useless. You contribute to this family, just as much as the rest of us, and we love you for it, do you hear me.”

He sighed and nodded. To cheer him up I opened my arms to hug him.

“That’s not going to happen, sis.” I scoffed and smacked the back of his head, prompting a smile.

“I bet our neighbors are going to see that article.” I groaned when i remembered the pictures again.

“Its not just that one, there’s others” of course there were.

“How do I convince the entire community that I just happened to fall in love with our new landlord?”

He shrugged, “who cares? At the end of the day, Arroyo is safe, that’s all that matter to them. I don’t think they’ll want to bother their landlord’s new ‘beau’ anyway.” He bumped my shoulder.

“Very funny.” I said drily. “Well whatever they think, I will find out today.”

Especially since I was was going to be wearing that dang ring.

I got stares as I walked to the restaurant. A lot of side eyes too, even more when their eyes fell on the glittering rock on my finger. I got smiles too. Conspiratory smiles, like they knew i was with Ethan for the advantages he could provide.

Old lady Cassandra dropped by during the day, to request that I inform Ethan of the benefits of leaving her shop alone. I knew Mikhalov would soon make his rounds via letter or in person to share that the renovation plans had been dropped .

I attended to more neighbors than customers. Continuing a shuffle from “I’d like the garlic and tomato gnocchi” to “Oh my God, are you really dating our new landlord?!”

By lunch time I was absolutely through. Lisa nodded in understanding when I made my way towards the pantry.

I realized that I dozed off after I heard soft knocks on the door.


“Yeah, it’s me , I think someone is here for you.” She answered uncertainty filtering into her voice. “Nope.” I dismissed, shaking my head as if she could see it. “I’m not talking to anyone else. They’ll just have to leave with their questions.”

“It’s not that...Just come out please. The whole restaurant is in chaos.”

She had my attention. Quickly I dusted my bum and opened the door. Her face was flushed and she

looked excited. My brows knitted together in concern. “What’s wrong?”

“There’s camera’s outside- literally no way to explain this. I think you should see it yourself.”

I strode past her with purpose. Cameras meant Ethan’s mystery woman, wasn’t so unknown anymore. I thought I had time. The photos were taken at an angle that kept my face hidden. So how was it so easy to find me.

Saying the restaurant was crowded was an understatement. It looked like we were hosting two kid birthday parties, except it was adults with cameras and small microphones. In the center of it all was a classy woman in a tweed jacket. She spun around with a big smile on her face and smoothly pulled off her shades. “Surprise! “ Grace trilled.

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