

Olivia tried struggling against him in vain. "Relax," he breathed into her ears. "It's not like you don't enjoy it," He cooed.

"You're so egotistical,"

She felt his smirk on her skin and as he bit down on her earlobe softly, Olivia shivered in pleasure. "Yeah, because I know the effect I have on you,"

"Oh, and I don't have an effect on you?" She asked. She did. She was certain she did.

Titan hesitated, but only briefly. "Yeah, you do,"

His mouth closed on hers again, and just when the make-out was getting all intense, they were interrupted.

"Ahem," Asher stood at the entrance, clearing his throat. Titan could have cheerfully punched him. Olivia and Titan awkwardly broke apart and shuffled to their respective places at the dining table.

"Get a room," Asher whispered to her ears, making her giggle.

The omegas sauntered in with bowls of hot food and almost immediately started serving them based on preference.

"So when did you plan on telling me how your meeting with the security chiefs
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