
A Huge News

"Well..." the director, Mr. Bellamy said, rising from his chair on the other side of the table and slowly walking towards Rina, who was on the verge of hopping out of her chair from discomfort.

"As you might already know, a lot of things have changed in your five years of being a housewife. So I thought it best to inform you..."

Rina cringed as she felt both his hands on her shoulders. Immediately, she hopped out of her seat.

"Get your filthy hands off me," she ordered, irritated by the thought of what the man was about to do.

"Mr. Bellamy," she said, her voice cold and firm. "I came here to discuss a role, not to be propositioned. I won't be part of your sick games."

Mr. Bellamy's smile vanished, replaced by a sneer. "You think you're too good for this? Too good for me?" Back then when she was an A-list Actress, maybe. But now...

He returned to his seat and leaned back in his chair, eyes narrowing. "With your current reputation, you still dare to act high and mighty?

You're no longer the esteemed signee of Scottsdale entertainment, do you still dare to carry that attitude?

You'll never make it with that attitude of yours."

Rina stood her ground. "I'd rather leave this industry with my dignity intact than give in to your disgusting demands."

Mr. Bellamy's face contorted with anger, he slammed his fist on the desk. "You ungrateful little bitch," he spat. "Get out of my office. Your career is as good as dead."

Rina didn't flinch. She turned on her heel and walked out, her head held high. As she exited the office, she felt a mix of fear and anger. Fear of what her new fate had installed for her. And anger at the director's audacity.

In the past, no one tried to treat her poorly. Everyone respected her, both young and old. She had started as a child star and had grown into a game, hence she never faced such harassment in her ten years in the industry.

But today, that old hag had dared to touch her! She was going to regain her position and teach him a lesson.

Once outside, she pulled out her phone and dialed her agent's number. George was in a meeting with the media department of TL Groups, finalizing an ambassadorial deal for one of the actors under him. Seeing Rina's call, he excused himself to answer it.

"Rina, how did the meeting go?" he asked, his voice a small whisper. He was standing in one of the large corridors of the company's building, where several staff members were walking past him. After the scandal two years ago, Rina's name had become a silent stigma in the entertainment industry. Now with the new scandal, she had overnight turned into a curse within the industry.

George couldn't afford to say her name out loud for the sake of his signee's future and the other new acts under him.

"Not as expected," Rina said, her voice calm and clear. "He asked for something in exchange."

Rina needn't say more, George clearly understood what she meant. In the entertainment industry, nothing goes for nothing. In the past, Rina had been at the top and so unreachable to artists and ordinary directors.

Plus, she had started as a child actress, Hence, she had never experienced that side of the entertainment industry. Now that she was down and in need, these lowly directors wanted to take advantage of her.

Thinking about this, George felt his blood boil. "That bastard. Are you okay?"

"I will be," Rina replied rather calmly.

"That's good," George said. "Let's talk later, I'm in the middle of something. Take care of yourself and do not go reading comments online."

Rina nodded and said, "mm!" Then she hung up the phone. That afternoon, as soon as she left the director's office, her phone was bombarded with notifications. A sense of foreboding suddenly washed over her. She quickly took out her phone and realized they were all push notifications from various marketing accounts on I*******m and TikTok.

Then she watched as the hashtag

#Rina Power's comeback# quickly climbed up the trending list, pushing down the previously top trending hashtags, #Rina Powers' cheats# And #Rina Powers' Divorce#

Following closely behind it was another. #Rina Powers' dirty deal#

Seeing these, fear gripped Rina's heart. She clicked on the hashtag and saw photos of her disguised and entering a low-level hotel.

With her current reputation and the trending news of her cheating and divorce, this photo was enough to make netizens speculate.

'Gosh! This woman, has she no shame?'

'Tsk! Tsk! Rina Powers is a cheap bitch.'

'So sad. I never knew Rina Powers had such disgusting traits in her. So shameless!"

'Y'all, how many people have had a taste of Rina Powers so far? She's industry property now, I think everyone will have a taste of her soon."

'Can someone be this shameless? She has no self-respect or dignity left. And she still dares to desire a comeback?'

Seeing the news, Rina's heart sank. She didn't have the heart to read through the comments section. She knew they'd be terrible.

Seeing how this was online, it was obvious someone had tailed her down here. Other than George, Mr. Bellamy, and herself, who else could have known about her schedule?

Had Mr. Bellamy planned this?

Thinking about this, Rina gritted in anger, her fingers curling into tight fists.


"What! Rina is making a comeback?"

In the exclusive waiting room in Scottsdale Entertainment, Kayla Reese suddenly stood up, her eyes blazing with fury.

How was this possible?

Rina Powers was currently an outcast in the entertainment industry. Wherever her name was said, a disgusted remark usually followed. Yet, she was thinking of making a comeback.

"Y-yes!" Kayla's assistant, Lisa, stuttered, frightened as she handed the phone to Kayla. "The news was released just a few minutes ago!"

Kayla snatched the phone from her assistant rudely. And when she saw the number one trending hashtag? Her fingers curled into tight fists.

Rina Powers! What game was she playing?

"Miss Reese, what do we do now?" Her assistant couldn't help asking.

Five years ago, before retiring to become a supportive housewife, Rina Powers was the queen of Scottsdale entertainment and the entire entertainment industry in country A. Now she was making a comeback, would she threaten Kayla's position as the new queen?

Kayla took a deep breath and returned to her seat. Making a comeback five years ago would have been possible when she still had a clean slate and her loyal fans.

But now, with the scandal from two years back, and the current scandal of infidelity and Rina's trending divorce everywhere on the internet, making a comeback?

Right now, she was just a wagged-out actress with zero resources and no backing. Whether she could successfully make a comeback was still a matter open to debate.

And so what if she successfully makes a comeback?' Kayla thought to herself. "She doesn't scare me."

In the past, she was a hotshot with various resources at her disposal. But after her scandal broke out, everyone turned on her like a pack of wolves, tearing her down to her lowest and taking all that she had. Her resources, her talent, and her fans.

All those who had stepped on her back were currently big shots in the industry. Would they allow her to make a successful comeback despite their past mistreatment?

A sinister smile spread across Kayla's lips. "Rina Powers, bring it on."

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