
Marry me2

They floated together, each motion smooth and fluid as if the music had been choreographed just for them and them alone.

Unspoken whispers and desires raced back and forth, telegraphing a savage hunger, a desperate need. Their bodies were in perfect harmony. Paige needed and Simon fed her.

The desire to share her body with Simon Kentley surpassed all reason and common sense. But at that moment common sense was what Paige lacked most.

She wanted to experience the waves of ecstasy he had given her earlier; she wanted the peace Simon offered, and in turn she would give him the love he sought from a woman.

The musical selection ended and Simon led Paige through the throng. The next number was a rocking, upbeat tempo which got everyone to their feet, moving in time to the pounding, driving rhythm.

Simon caught Tenor's arm. "We'll be on our way now."

"You're leaving?" Tenor asked. Simon nodded, and Paige was as surprised as Tenor.

"Give them whatever they want," he informed Tenor.

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