
More to that.

Fabiola grinned.”You still remember me?”She asked.

He smiled back.”Of course.Who wouldn’t?”

“I mean,you perform on the streets so I guess you meet a lot of people everyday.”She reminded.

Lucien grimaced.

Why hadn’t he forgotten her face?

She was right…he always met a lot of people on a daily basis so he was quick to forget his customers.

Most times,they were the ones who recognizes him first but tonight,he had recognized her.

Probably because she had paid that day and did not take her painting?

Probably because it was one of the paintings he liked to look at?

“Well,I can say you have a face that one can’t easily forget.”He drawled sounding so flirtatious.

Fabiola smiled and asked politely.”What are you doing here?”

She was on a strapless dress and with him standing,the top of her cleavage was on full display to him.

He tried not to make it obvious that he was staring at her boobs.

They would be so good to play with.

“Mr Thiago invited me.I used to be his apprentice.”He replied.

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