
Ch. 32 Bad Girl

Zoe’s POV

It was happening again. No matter how hard I tried to maintain a safe distance between us, to keep the stone walls solidly in place around my heart, he always managed to find a way through. And fuck was this ever worth it!

I moaned as Dillon’s tongue found mine, massaging it softly as his hands gently roamed over my curves. But Dillon wasn’t gentle. He’d proven that several times over the night he’d fucked me into the next week, driving my body to heights I didn’t know were possible to reach.

So no, Dillon wasn’t gentle and if it wasn’t the real him, then I didn’t want it. I wove my fingers through his soft, dark curls and yanked hard. Dillon groaned in pleasure as I pulled his head back and grazed my teeth down his neck.

“I love it when you’re feisty, baby doll.” He murmured in that deep, sexy tone that made my toes curl.

“And I love it when you don't treat me like a fragile doll. Fuck me like you mean it Dillon or not at all.” I chided, pulling back to meet his gorg
Cara Anderson


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