
Chapter Two: Big mouth- part 2

She's a beauty no doubt, and she realized it was right for someone like Evan to find her and her compliments attractive.

"We already decide on the date of the wedding, I hope you're prepared"

" Oh Elder...I mean, Father in law...has my mother told you the necessary? "

" What neccessary thing are you babbling again? " Diana gritted out in a whisper.

" Has my mother told you that I'm a whore?"

And there was pin drop silence, Diana sighed in exasperation. This daughter of hers had end up ruining her life. The men shared looks.

" Oh...she didn't, I just don't want you finding out later so that's why I decide to inform you now, I'm won't want a wife like me, what if I go around sleeping with every men in your household?"

" So husband...think about this well" She rose to her feet.

" Sit...down" Diana gritted.

" Bye mother" And she exited the room, with a beautiful smile lingering on her face.

Abigail ran over, panting heavily and was sweating.

" Oh goodness! How could you be this small and ran like that? " She panted out.

" I just did something unexpected" She smiled.

" What did you do again, you sick girl?"

" Don't bother finding out, enjoy your wedding, I'll enjoy my own single time, until I find someone to love"

" Tsk tsk...don't tell me you're still mad trying to find this true love, what if he never comes by?"

" He will! I can feel him, so close" Anna breathed while Abigail shook her head at her.

" You moron, you just ruined a present meant for you by that pure woman you always buy cabbage from"

" Oh right...I have to apologize now that I'm feeling good"

" Let's go and enjoy the weather, Abby"

" Sure...sure, let's go" They turned to leave when Evan came calling out. He emerged from the house and ran to catch up with them.

" Lady Anna! Lady Anna! Give me a moment"

" Who is this? Is this the groom? " Abigail stared wide eyed.

" Abby, would you please?"

" Alright, I'll be waiting outside"

When she left, Anna finally turned to the man before her and she sighed as she bend to release the skirt she had tied and it flowed down to cover her toes.

"What you said...about being a it true?" He looked like he's trying hard not to believe, she pouted.

"It's don't believe me? You want me to prove it?" She moved closer and he took a step back.

" don't have to, I believe you...but I still like to marry you, My Lady"

"Eh?" She was shocked.

Wasn't she clear enough? She's someone who goes around sleeping with men because of her mother, what don't he get? Is he deaf?

"Are you perharps...deaf?"

"What?! No...I just...I like you a lot, My Lady" There was silence as they stared, eyeballs to eyeballs. He suddenly smiled and her heart leaped.

" want to marry me? What if I end up sleeping with all the men...?"

"You won't do it"

"How would you know?"

"You're repeating the same word and stating it out, loud and clear...I know you won't do it, if truly you won't say it"

" It doesn't make any sense"

" Come on Anna, I'm standing right here! " They heard Abigail's voice outside.

" Mr Evan...don't do this to yourself... "

" I'll marry you, whether you like it or not" 

Anna's countenance changed and she frowned at him.

" You'll regret it if you do" Her voice was stern, giving a threat beneath. When he was still smiling as if amused, she turned and left to meet Abigail.

Evan watched their retreating backs and smiled yet again. He has finally found the one for him, his soulmate. It's been so long since he had seen her. The last time they met, they were very much young. He had really hope she'll remember him, did she forgot?.

The door opened and his father emerged with Diana trailing behind.

" I'm going to marry her" He stated.

Diana and the older man was shocked but she couldn't help rejoicing within.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Father...I want her" He grinned.

"Okay, since you want her...I hope this is settled, Mrs Chadwick"

"Of course, we would be ready. Thank you for the price"

"We'll be leaving now and we'll arrive on the festival day"

"Sure" She released a charming smile and watched their retreating backs.

"I can't believe that stupid girl almost ruin things...I'm glad the young master agreed"

"Stop sulking, will you?"

"I can't believe him, how could he be so daft to marry me? Someone like me? Wretched!"

"What's so wrong with you? You're amazing and sexy and beautiful, thousands of men will pay to have you"

"I'm not so sure about that, they're only after my body"

They continued to walk down the silent flowery path. The flower trees stood tall and proud and hovered above them, creating a protective shade against the scorching sun. The soft breeze blow, tussling her hair around, slowly. It somehow made her feel relaxed.

"How about you stop giving your body out" 

She stopped walking and so did Abigail. Anna raised her hand and allowed the flowers that shed to fall on her palm. Some came to land at their feets and hairs.

"I really don't know...maybe I should really stop and accept my fate"

"Getting married?"

"Yes, Abby"

There was another round of silence as she stood to admire nature. She dropped her hand slowly as her expression changed from being in awe to sadness.

"What if...I never get to have my own kids?"

Abigail also stopped looking around and her gaze came to settle on her face. She felt sad towards her friend.

"You will...I'm sure you'll be happy"

Anna suddenly hugged her and Abigail recovered from the shock and wrapped her arms around her.

"It's okay, big mouth"

Anna was forced to chuckle and they pulled apart. She wiped her tears.

"Who are you calling big mouth?"

"I don't know" 

"Come on... let's continue and enjoy our single days"

"Oh my God! The vegetables!" Abigail exclaimed as she was scared the domestic animals had fed on them.

"I'm sure my mother has a lot of money now, she won't care about them if they got fed on"

"You're right there... so, I guess, we don't have to worry again"

"Let's get drunk too!"

The day went on and by the end of the day, Abigail was drunk and Anna had to get her home to her parent, who was already awaiting her outside, worried sick.

  She bade them goodbye and she continued on her way home. As she strolled back home, she took the flowery path even though it was so dark. She was someone who doesn't get scared so easily. 

As she continued to admire nature once more, she suddenly heard a carriage coming and the horses trotting towards her. The path was narrow and she didn't have the time to think of stepping aside. This was her first time seeing such a beautiful and fancy carriage. 

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