

Isabella 144.

I woke up with his scent in the room but I knew that he was long gone. I was alone in the house except for the maids who dutifully went about their work. I had no idea what today was going to bring nor what drama it would entail.

I got off the bed and entered into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I did not bother about my bath because I was currently jobless and I had no where to go and no friends to visit.

I left the bathroom to get to the kitchen downstairs only to find the last person I had wanted to see impatiently tapping her high heeled shoe tip on the marble floor. The maids did well to stay out of her way.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I should be asking you the same question, you have no reason to be in this house," Natalia retorted.

"I am still married to your ex, so I get to stay here," I sarcastically replied. She had no reason to know about my pregnancy.

"Right! I forgot he proposed," Natalia said distatefully.

"Why are you here? Damien already lef
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