
Chapter 39

Someone barged into my room while I was trying to shut my eyes close for a quick nap, and before I knew it, I was up on my feet. I’m starting to wonder if no one around here knew how to knock because this wasn’t the first time I’m experiencing such an attitude.

I set my eyes on the intruder to see it was Garrett. I should have expected it because lately, he has been doing nothing but come into my room to check on me, which I wasn’t really okay with but have no choice but to adhere to. Except for this time, there was something different about the way he came in as well as his expression which showed he was rather annoyed.

Before I could say anything about his sudden intrusion, he beats me to speak.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” was the question he threw at me, and it felt more like a snap.

Okay, now I was pretty annoyed. Why didn’t I tell him what? That he has no right to barge in like that? Or th

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