
Chapter 113 Have You Ever Been Through Despair?

Ronghua did intend to force them to admit that Murong Zhe was Xia Pumo’s partner.

“There is no need for any delay. How about getting married next month?”

Xia Pumo goggled his eyes, “So fast?”

Murong Zhe was excited and didn’t mind what Ronghua had done, “Okay!”

Xia Pumo had nothing to say.

The First Elder was delighted, for it was beneficial to the imperial clan of Zither, and he had no reason to refuse. However, the Third Elder disliked Murong Zhe all long, and he was unwilling to admit his identity but endured it for the imperial clan of Zither. It was no big deal, for he could ask Xia Pumo to let Murong Zhe keep out of his sight.

Ronghua asked, “Is this matter settled?”

The First Elder realized that Ronghua was helping them. She solved the problem which they had argued for a long time, which was great.

The First Elder replied, “Yes.”

“Alright! I have a request!”

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