
Chapter 244 You just need to protect them

Her Highness needed help, not a liability If they were a drag, there was no point in leaving them behind, they had already found themselves gradually forgetting Rong Tranquility.

So they should also realize that their own their own power is from Rong Tranquility, if there is no Rong Tranquility there is no them , want to truly master the power of Her Highness the Princess, they must do all to keep up with Her Highness's tempo, and now that Her Highness is in a crisis, all they can do is to explode this power of their own to make themselves stronger , to survive in this chaotic world.

If you do not have enough ability, then you can only be slaughtered on the board of fish and meat , do not want to do the board of fish and meat, then you have to do the hunter with a butcher's knife, no one can live on this continent with bare hands, since Her Highness believes in them, gave them the blood of their hearts, then it proves that Yung Tranquillity has already seen the future, a

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