
As real as it gets

Joan insisted that we stay there for the evening, and to be honest; I was spent. Between the lingering pain and the cocktail of medications that she’d given me, I wasn’t sure I’d make it through the car ride.

James carefully laid me on the twin sized bed in the spare bedroom, covering me with a thick quilt, “Get some sleep. I’ll be out on the couch if you need anything.”

I reached out, grabbing his wrist, “Don’t leave. Please.”

James’ lip curled into a lopsided grin as he nodded, “Okay.”

I scooted over, ignoring the protest of my aching ribs. When he didn’t take the hint, I glanced over my shoulder, “You’re not going to hurt me. I promise.”

He sighed softly before climbing into the bed, careful not to jostle me. His arm carefully draped over my body, sending tiny jolts of electricity through my body.

“That’s the bond, isn’t it?”

James strummed his fingers lazily across my arm, “Isn’t it beautiful?” His voice was a low whisper, but full of so much emotion, my heart stopped beating.

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