



"I'm going to kiss you now." Adrian said and his lips descended on mine. I froze for a moment before I started reciprocating the kiss. Our lips moved in sync that soon, we got lost in each other's embraces. I held his neck in a very tight manner because my legs were beginning to feel like jelly and I would fall if I didn't hold on to something.

His tongue snaked into my mouth and our tongues began a battle of dominance with his tongue dominating within a few seconds. The kiss got more intense as we continued moving our lips without stopping to breath. His hands were still on my waist, kneading and not daring to move past that.

We were so deep into the kiss that we forgot that we were on the dance floor filled with so many people but we didn't care. We just wanted to continue sucking on each other's lips like it was our life support, we were lost in a world where there was only the two of us, no one else to disturb or interrupt us.

After like about ten mi
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