
I don't care what you think

Vivian guided Bernice to the couch, her heart aching for her daughter. As Bernice sat down, the emotional dam within her burst, and tears streamed down her face. Vivian sat beside her, wrapping her arms around Bernice, offering comfort and solace. She let Bernice cry, understanding that sometimes, words aren't enough, and what's needed is a reassuring embrace.

Meanwhile, Leslie, understanding the gravity of the moment, glanced at Vivian and subtly gestured towards the door. Vivian caught his eye and nodded, silently acknowledging his understanding. Leslie stepped out, gently closing the door behind him, giving mother and daughter the space they needed to navigate through this emotional tide.

As Leslie drove away, thoughts swirled in his mind like a tempest. He replayed the moments in his head, the chance he had missed to lay his heart bare before Vivian. The fear of rejection gnawed at him, but he knew he couldn't let this fear rule his emotions any longer. He promised himself that th
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