
Chapter 4

She remembered where they had met and thought it would make sense to revisit the field. She couldn't really get the direction but at this point, she didn't care and just wanted to get there.

Later that evening, Selene found herself in the same field again but this time, everything was different. She didn't sit and had to move all over to feel the atmosphere. The full moon was nowhere to be found and everything felt bland despite the beautiful field. After waiting for a very long time but couldn't get to see him, she stood up and left.

She got back feeling very dull. This time no one could save her from it she got into her room and had it locked tightly, climbed her bed, and then brought out that passport photograph to look at it. She tried to figure out if she had ever seen his face but no matter how she looked at it, she was sure she had never seen him before.

Tired, she thought about throwing the passport photograph away and forgetting about the one-night stand she had just had but no matter how much she tried, she just couldn't let go of the passport.

It then dawned on her.

She needed him!

What would she do now? She put the passport right under her pillow and walked out of her room to Sia's room. Sia was busy fixing some things to go visit her farmland the next day and check out her crops when she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in!" she said without looking up and Selene walked in.

"Dada was weird today so I have stopped going to his place," she said as she sat on her bed.

"Everything okay?"

"Nothing is okay. I took him as a friend but all along, he only looked at me as a woman." Selene replied.

Hearing that Sia busted into laughter.

"Haha of course he had always looked at you that way. You are clueless Selene!"

"I guess I am. But now that I know, I am letting go of him."

"But why Selene? He is a good man."

"I can't have anything with this good man."

"Why do you look so worried is everything okay with you?" Siaasked after noticing that Selene had really not smiled ever since she entered her room.

"I can't let go of what happened that night. I have been restless ever since. I have gone back to that field but he didn't show up."

"Excuse me? You went back to what field." Sia asked her. She couldn't understand why Selene kept bringing up the one-night stand. Why was it called a one-night stand again?

Selene understood how Sia felt. She knew she shouldn't be bringing the night up again but she couldn't help it. She rushed to see him and tell him how she felt about that night. They never got the chance the tell each other about their feelings and it irked her. She craved his face, his touch. She couldn't think straight.

Sia looked at her friend and was at a loss for words for some time.

"Okay let's say you want to meet him. Do you know him from Adams?" she asked.

"no, I don't," Selene replied.

"So how do I help you find him?" Asia asked obviously tired of everything.

"I have a passport."

"A passport?"

"Yes, I think he forgot it. He also dropped a letter and some stack of cash for me," she said to Sia.

Sia froze.

"if he dropped you a letter and you found a photo then that's a good idea."

"I will go get them," Selene said and hurriedly rushed out to get them from her room.

When she got back, she climbed Sia's bed and placed every single item on it as well.

Sia took the letter and read it aloud. After reading it, she rubbed her forehead.

"he seems rude. I mean didn't you read the letter? He obviously doesn't want to see you anymore. I guess the cash is like some form of compensation I guess.." she said to her.

"I think so too but I don't feel the same. I want to see him. I need to talk to him I mean we need to discuss." Selene said helplessly.

Sia could see the helplessness in her eyes and couldn't help but feel for her.

She kind of understood her friend but what could she do?

"Can I see the passport photograph?" she asked her and Selene passed the photograph to her.

Sia opened the photograph but what she saw was so unexpected that she almost jumped in shock. She felt dumbstruck for a moment as she looked at Selene in shock.

She couldn't believe the kind of person Selene had a one-night stand with.

"Sia, what's wrong?" Selene couldn't help but ask as Sia'sreaction was making her feel nervous.

"I'm fine but Selene do you have any idea who this man is?"

"no, I don't but he told me his name."

"What did he tell you his name is?" she asked Selene.

"Ethan," Selene said as she tried to recall.


"what do you mean?"

"Selene that's Alpha Ethan! The Alpha of this pack you found yourself in. He is the Alpha of this pack and controls the life and death of everyone living in here." Sia explained to her, traces of fear could be found in her voice as Selene watched her go check out the windows to be sure no one was spying on them.

"Do you know you can get in trouble for that act alone?" she continued and sat very close to Selene to hug her.

Selene could already feel the fear Sia had in her as she felt tears trickle down her face.

Does that mean she would never get to meet the man who had all of a sudden become her dream man and the man she was beginning to love? She had to do something about this immediately.

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