
Chapter 10

To Obey His Wife

“Why won’t you believe me? Why would I kill you?” Matthew asked.

“So that your secret does not get out,” she said.

“Is that what you are worried about? Not that you are my wife?” he asked and her tears fell like rain.

“If you think about it, no one would believe you if you told anyone, so…” Matthew  tried finding words to convince her, but her cries only got louder.

“You are lying, you are taking me back to kill,” she cried loudly. 

She could no more keep up her brave front as all her tall walls collapsed and she cried like a child. Her crying bothered him so much, it felt as though his chest was about to explode from the pain. His legs came down on the brakes and he immediately turned to her.

“I swear I won’t kill you to keep my secret, okay? Stop crying,” he told her. 

“How am I supposed to believe you?” she cried even harder. He had said so many words, yet, no matter how much he said, her tears came down like rain. He was so frustrated that he got out of the car, slammed the door shut and stood outside to calm his nerves. After a while, he heard her crying stop and got back into the car.

“Your address,” he said and she gave it to him, allowing the car to return to silence. He was uncomfortable, he dared not look her way for fear that he would see her wooden form again. 

It was a long silent ride, but soon, his car stopped in front of her apartment building. He found somewhere to park before getting out. 

She nervously came out after him and thanked him in a small voice before starting to walk inside. It did not take long for her to notice that he was following her. 

She turned around to find him trailing behind her and she paused.

“I am fine right here,” she told him, hoping he would go back.

“I know, lead the way,” he said, “Or do you not want me to come in?” he asked and she hurriedly led him inside. They got onto the elevator and started making their way up, the more the elevator rose, the more her fear peaked.

“Don’t let your imagination run wild,” he said to her nervous form now trying to open the door. 

“You insist on coming in, yet you say I should not let my imagination go wild,” she muttered.

She entered the apartment and he closed the door behind them. He looked around the small space and back at her. 

There was barely any place to stand. There was at most a small couch by the corner and a bed right next to it. It was a studio apartment. She dared not relax. 

“It’s small,” he commented.

“I apologize,” she answered under her breath but he still heard her. He went ahead and sat on the couch and looked back at her. She stood there and waited for him to speak.

“Go and get ready for bed,” he said and she became a block of ice.

“What?” Emerald asked. 

Get ready for bed? What did he want to do to her?

Her look of horror only made him sigh. Why was his wife such a chicken?

“Do you intend to sleep like that?” Matthew  asked. 

“You are just going to sit here?” she asked.

“Act as though I am not here,” he said and she was at a loss for words. 

But how was he not here?

For some reason, he could not bring himself to leave her side. 

All these while. Even though he knew where she was, it was okay to stay away. But after that kiss, he could not.

What's going on? He too was completely confused. But he was more frustrated instead. 

Sitting in her apartment so close to her bed, he could somewhat smell the scent that came from her. 

It was a combination of her perfume and her natural scent. He found that he was somewhat obsessed with the smell. 

“You can’t stay here,” she insisted.

“Why?” he asked. Her flustered state excited him greatly. 

“What do you mean by why? This is my house, you want to stay here while I take a bath and go to bed? How is that normal?” she asked.

“What about all that happened tonight was it normal?” he asked and she seemed to freeze.

“Still!” she insisted, “You can’t stay. What are you going to do, stay here all night while I sleep?” she asked.

“Yes,” he answered and her mouth fell open. 

“Please,” she suddenly heard herself beg, “If you are not going to harm me like you had said, then there is no need for you to keep punishing me, is there?” she asked.

“You think I am punishing you?” he asked.

“If not, then why are you doing this?” she asked. He admitted that he enjoyed her fear and fluster all through tonight, but he was not going to admit it out loud.

“I just find it odd, today is not a full moon, and even though it was, I am a pure blood wolf king. Things like the moon cannot make me change. I am in absolute control of my transformation. But for some reason, after you kissed me last night, things went wrong,” he said and her face turned ugly.

“You mean to say I did something to you?” she asked.

“If not?” he asked and she started pacing.

“Is he a prince that should not be kissed? Has he never kissed someone? What kind of setting is this?” she muttered as she paced.

“You know I can hear everything you say, right?” he asked and she froze.

“I wanted you to come here,” she said.

“You are no more scared?” he asked with a raised brow and she swallowed her retort.

He was right. She was talking to a werewolf, why couldn’t she control her mouth.

“Fine, then was it your first kiss or something magical?” she asked and he broke into laughter. 

She saw him lean back into her couch in laughter and suddenly thought he looked too good to be true. But when she thought about it, she was right. There was no way a human would look like that. He was not human.

“You are right I have never kissed a woman before you,” he said and she almost choked on her saliva. 

“What are you sprouting?” she asked, “How can you say such a thing! Everyone has kissed someone before,” she turned red and scolded back, completely forgetting her fear.

“You haven’t,” he said and she paused.

“How would you know?”

“I would have killed him,” he said darkly and she froze.

“How long have you been watching me?” she asked.

“Are you going to bathe or do you want to go to sleep like that? No matter what you do, I am not leaving. I already said I wouldn’t harm you, There is just something I am trying to figure out,” he said, changing the topic and she became indignant.

“Fine!” She took a towel and entered the bathroom in a huff. 

This made him let out another low chuckle. 

She would usually change in her room and enter the bathroom as she lived alone and did not need to be so cautious about walking naked. 

She would even cook in her underwear when she felt like it. But she could not do that when he was there. 

She took a quick bath and realized she had not taken her clothes. She had already thrown her used clothes into the small washer in her apartment. She peeked out of the bathroom to meet his dark eyes.

“Can you turn around?” she asked and he raised a brow.

“Why?” he asked cheekily and this infuriated her. 

“Forget it,” she said through her teeth and walked out of the bathroom with her towel tied around her body. She walked over to the wardrobe by the wall and took out her clothes and returned to the bathroom.

The sight of her in that towel, made his gaze darken as his heart burned suddenly. He should not have stayed. It was as though he was torturing himself. 

He picked a Rubik's cube from her bedside table and started keeping himself busy. 

She came out of the bathroom a while after in a modest two piece night wear and walked into the small galley kitchen. She decided to completely ignore him. 

Acting as though he was not sitting in the bedroom, she made some noodles and returned to the room. Then she walked out onto the small balcony and sat to have some fresh air. She sat on the table and started eating without care.

On the couch, he felt uncomfortable when she ignored him that much. It did not help that he was still in his work clothes. 

He took off his tie and jacket, unbuttoned his shirt and rolled up his sleeves. Only then did he feel a little more. She soon returned to the room and saw his relaxed state and frowned deeply. 

She went into the kitchen to wash her bowl. When she was done, she returned to the room and climbed into bed. 

“No dinner for me?” he asked. Seeing her completely ignore him, he felt the urge to mess with her.

“I don’t know what you like to eat,” she answered and he raised a brow.

“I prefer to eat you,” he said and she stiffened, but refused to back down.

“Go ahead then,” she responded in defiance.

“Okay,” he got up from the couch and climbed into bed. 

He grabbed her frightened form close to him and laid on top of her, settling between her legs. She was brave when she spoke, but when he moved, she almost died inside. 

Her mouth was really going to get her in trouble.

“I don’t mind if I do,” he said and she trembled slightly. Seeing the position they were now in, she turned red and tried to push him off, but he was too heavy.

“Get off,” she protested.

“But you said I could,” he chuckled darkly.

“I-- I was joking, please get off,” she pleaded. He did not want to. 

For some reason, he wanted to melt into her. He felt comfortable here and did not want to move. He could not understand this sudden rush of emotions.

“Why did you kiss me that night?” he asked, “It can’t be that you have this habit, right?”

She was greatly offended by his words, “I told you that day, didn’t I?” she asked with a deep frown. Did she? He could not recall. He raised a brow at this.

“I was paying attention while you were hiding,” he said, “You did not.”

She too could not quite recall much of what happened in the car that night. She just did not like the way he had talked or the words that came out of his mouth.

“Fine, let us pretend you really did not tell me. If you tell me again, I will get off you,” he promised.

“I had just finished meeting with my grandmother. She was trying to arrange a marriage for me,” she explained and the room went so cold, Emerald shivered.

“Who was it?” he asked.

“Who what?”

“Who did she want you to marry?”

“Daniel Taylor,”

“Is that so? What did you do then?” he asked.

“Yes. I said I was married and walked out. Saw you and noticed they were following so…” she trailed off. But noticed he was not answering so, she looked up to meet his dark eyes.

He was angry. She did not need a prophecy to tell her he was furious.

“I am not close with him, I don't even know him…” she started to say.

“That is good then,” he said and she panicked.

“What are you going to do to him?” she asked with a frown but he did not answer. She was not sure what possessed her to grab his face.

“Don’t think anything stupid, what would happen to you if you get caught?” she asked.

“Don’t do anything stupid. I am not asking you. I am telling you,” she said and the room got warm again as a smile took over his face.

“I will obey my wife,” he said and she froze.

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