



“Welcome back, Alpha!”

“Welcome home!”

“Thank the goddess, you are safe!”

“We feared the worst!”

“The Alpha is back! Alpha Viktor is back!”

On and on it went, as different members of the pack came up to welcome me back to the pack.

A month

I have been away for a month.

And it feels like a lifetime

“Welcome home, Alpha,” Andre greets me warmly as we head up to my wing.

“Thank you, Andre. I missed it.”

“Hmm, I am sure you did. And what of our Luna? When will we be welcoming her?”

I sigh heavily at the question.

I have been doing my best not to think about Rowan since I left.

I feared that if I did, I would turn back and make a nuisance of myself


“I don't know, Andre. We didn't exactly part on the best of terms.”

“What happened?” He asks with concern as he holds open the door to my room.

It is a large space, one that I am occasionally embarrassed about

My room, or should I say, my suit, contains a double sized, king bed, right at the center, with a six feet
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