
Remedy For a Broken Heart

Michael POV:

I stood there, at the hospital bed, my heart heavy with guilt and anxiety. Mr Eyre lay motionless, surrounded by sterile white walls and the scent of antiseptic. Next to me stood his Jane, her eyes red and swollen from countless tears shed in anguish. I wanted to reach out to her, to offer solace and comfort, but a knot formed in my throat, paralyzing me with fear.

I was in so much pain myself, I would prefer nothing more than to be out there looking for Aurora, but it would be so unfair to Jane. I have half of the city police looking for her, while she's here alone with her dying father in a city she's never been before. I knew how lonely and hard done by she must be feeling.

Every fiber of my being longed to speak, to explain that I had no control over what had happened, that it was a cruel twist of fate. But the fear of her accusing gaze, of her believing that somehow I was to blame, kept me silent. I couldn't bear the weight of her disappointment or anger, even thoug
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