
Chapter Ten (Part 2)

Chapter Ten (Part 2): The Proposal

Reya took a deep breath and let out a sigh before she glanced at Thomas whose attention was focused on the road. After the incident, he then guided her to walk out of the restaurant. He was very gentle with her – it was as if he was her dashing knight in a business suit.

Speaking of business suit, Reya felt her cheeks heat up when her eyes drifted to the black coat that she was wearing. Before they walked out of the restaurant, Thomas handed her his coat to cover up her ruined dress. It was already a very common gesture that gentlemen would do, but it still made her heart flutter a little. A small smile then made its way to her lips as she secretly inhaled the scent of his masculine perfume.

She then turned to glance at him, and she could not stop herself from getting drawn to his presence. They were both quiet in the car – she was sitting on the front seat while Thomas was driving with his full attention focused on the road

Kyzyl Mhy

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