

Iris groaned as her eyes fluttered open. She hasn’t opened her eyes yet but she felt better than she did before she went to sleep. The bed held a fierce competition to hers back at home. It was so warm and it moved as well.

Her eyes flew open and she was met with the sight of skin and she flew back in panic. She had been lying on Luca with her face tucked into his neck. Her cheeks burned with humiliation and she shamefully looked up to see Luca watching her.

His face was blank and there was no way to tell what he was thinking. She cussed herself internally for sleeping so carelessly when she was sharing a bed with someone and she bet she made him uncomfortable the entire time but why didn’t he wake her up to adjust?

“Luca, I...I...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” She stuttered as she tried to say something.

He shrugged and got off the bed and Iris saw the drool on his shirt which made her feel more humiliated “It doesn’t matter. You should shower and come down for lunch. We missed breakf
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