

Iris stormed out of the house, panting as anger crowded her senses. She passed Lia and Leah when she met them in the hallway, too pissed off to even say hi to a friend she was looking forward to seeing. She shouldn’t have allowed Evelyn to push her into coming here.

She had allowed herself to lose control in front of Vera, something she had promised herself would never happen but she couldn’t just stand there and allow her to run her mouth and say those things about her and her mother.

Yes, she had taken the words quietly like an obedient fool all these years but it didn’t mean that she had to continue taking shit from Vera and her daughter. Her mother made the mistake not her and she shouldn’t have to pay for it.

Ace stood upright with a frown when he caught sight of the anger simmering underneath the surface of her expression. She ignored him as well and got into the car without waiting for him.

She looked at the time on her phone and saw it was too early to go home. It was barely a
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