

Iris woke up the next morning still wrapped around Luca. Their limbs were so entangled that she didn’t know where she started and where Luca ended. She snuck up a glance at him and saw that he was still asleep so she used that opportunity to get a close look at him. It was the first time she would see him this close.

His usually perfect hair fell over his face almost hiding his closed eyes as he slept but she wished he could open his eyes so she could stare into them. He looked so peaceful as he slept that she didn’t want to disturb him so she was trying to remain as still as possible.

She was nervous about what would happen when Luca woke up. The first time they had sex, Luca had left before she was awake and had warned her that it was a mistake but this time she was awake first and she didn’t think she would be able to stomach another rejection.

She considered leaving the bed before he woke up but she was too comfortable in his arms. She didn’t know when she would experience somethi
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