
A Sweet Scent

[Tabitha’s POV]

I curl into Vance while willing away the pain that continues to radiate up my arm and throughout my entire body despite my no longer being in the sun. How was it possible that everything had turned to shit in the span of forty-eight hours?

Anthony was gone, and he was never coming back. Atticus didn’t remember me, or at least, he was pretending to not know me. That meant that I had absolutely no one.

As this thought hits me, I look up at Vance’s face and find that he is deep in thought while he stares at the car that we came in. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like it.

“We need to get somewhere safe,” he murmurs, pulling me closer against him.

“But how?” I whisper.

If we were to step off the porch, then we would be in the path of the rays of sun that were beginning to pierce through the limbs above. But we also couldn’t stay on Atticus’ property; it was only a matter of time before he came after us.

“Hang on tight,” Vance annou
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