
Chapter 25

I can still hear the screams and shrieks of the fantasians behind the wall where we are currently hiding.

'Would the others be alright?' I worriedly asked him with my mind.

He tilted his head to face me.

'Don't worry. They'll be fine.' He said and gave me an assuring smile before peeking once again on whatever was happening behind the wall.

I was pinned against the wall, Cool's body against mine, I can feel his hands on my waist.

I didn't know how long it takes before the disturbing screams of terror started to die down until there was nothing left but silence.

A dreading and eerie silence.

'Stay here.' He ordered as he tried to check the area before he came back to get me.

I felt my stomach turned upside-down, I instantly felt the urge to vomit.

The lively and crowded Kabisera was now filled with dead fantasians on the ground. The disgusting scent of blood lingers on the air.

I immediately thought of my friends and hurriedly scanned the place for any sign of life.

My eyes glowed when I saw a small flame coming from one of the remaining food stalls on the side.

I immediately rushed towards it with Cool tailing behind me.

My mind was filled with concern when I saw Ignis behind the stall. She was panting heavily as she puts pressure on her bleeding waist.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I immediately joined her on the ground as Cool checked on her wounds.

"I can stop the bleeding for a while, but we need to find Hailec immediately. This was no ordinary wound." Cool said as he placed his hand on her waist and it started to glow and small ice-like particles appeared on it, stopping the bleeding.

I helped him put Ignis on his back when he was done tending to her wounds.

My worry keeps on increasing every second. Ignis is getting paler and paler, she was also sweating bullets and panting so hard.

"Everything would be alright." Cool said as I felt him held my hand and hold it tightly while we were walking.

I gave him a nod and went back to finding Sassy and Hailec.

"Cool! Fhyra!" My eyes immediately darted towards the direction where the voice comes from.

"That was Sassy," I said after recognizing my friend's voice.

We walked faster towards that direction and we finally saw them, they were also searching for us.

"Oh my god? What happened to Ignis?" Sassy asked as she saw the unconscious girl on Cool's back.

"She was hit by the darkess first attack." Cool informed Hailec as the latter checks on Ignis.

"Let's hurry back home," Hailec said and asked Sassy and me to get closer to them.

We complied to his request with a confused expression.

And then I saw an illuminated dark green circle covered us and then in a blink of an eye, we were outside Hailec's house.

My mouth was still left hanging when my eyes met with Sassy, who had the same expression on her face.

Did we just teleported?

The guys immediately went inside and we followed behind them.

Hailec went through a white room with a single bed in the middle.

"Place her here." He instructed Cool, who carefully lay Ignis down on the bed.

"Fhyra, please don't use any energy or control it. I needed all the energy I could get now." He said and I nodded earnestly.

He inhaled a deep breath, closed his eyes, and put both of his hands above Ignis's waist.

"Sanitatem et occidit plurimos. Et benedicat bonum. Per cogitationes ex eminenti periculo liberare." We heard him whispered as if chanting.

I saw how a tiny bit of light coming from his hands becomes almost blinding. I suddenly have the urge to have that light.

I want that light.

I didn't know what's happening but I saw Hailec gave Cool a meaningful look before I felt a hand squeeze mine, getting me out of my reverie.

'Stop looking at the light. Your persona's coveting the energy.' I immediately look away after hearing what he said.

But I was starting to feel weak. And my mind keeps on wandering back to that bright light.

"Hang on there, Princess. Just a little more. Give your muranda a little more." I swallowed hard when I heard Hailec talked while still in the middle of curing Ignis.

I closed my eyes and turned around. I saw another light coming from Sassy's back.

She was positioned in an angle that I could see her back and there, the moving mark on the back of her shoulder was glowing.

"S-sassy," I called out before I lost the tiny bit of energy left in me.

"Fhyra!" I heard Cool called out before my body went limp and the darkness consumed me.

"I think that was Sassy's ability as a guardian." I heard Hailec's voice from the background.

"Would she be alright?" Cool asked before I felt hands gently caressing my face.

'Wake up, Princess.' my forehead creased as I tried to open my eyes.

"She's awake!" I heard Sassy's cheering voice as soon as I successfully opened my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I looked at the left side of the bed and saw Cool worriedly looking at me.

"Y-yeah. But I f-felt d-drained." I answered in a hoarse voice.

"What happened? How's Ignis?" I added.

"Ignis is already resting, she's okay now." Cool answered.

"Your energy had been suppressed," Hailec explained.

"Suppressed?" I asked and remembered what I heard him say that it was Sassy's ability.

My eyes darted towards my friend who was seated on the right side of my bed.

"Congratulations Sassy. Looks like you too, got some powers." I tried to joke around and then I saw her pouted.

"But I hurt you!" she blurted out guiltily.

"No, you didn't. You just suppressed her ability to absorbed more energy. You just stopped her persona from taking Ignis' energy." Hailec explained that made my brows furrowed because of confusion.

"You mean I can take someone else's energy?" I asked worriedly.

"Wasn't that dangerous? I could hurt others!" Cool immediately comforted me when I started to panic.

"No, you wouldn't. We'll train you on how to control that, okay? It would be alright." He said and made sure that I was facing him.

'I'm here. I'll help you.' He added inside my head.

"In the meantime, we needed Sassy to take over every time there is a situation like this. We will also need to train Sassy on using that ability to her advantage." Hailec instructed after a while of discussion on how this would work for all of us.

"Don't worry. Everything would be alright." Sassy assured me with a smile before she left the room with Hailec leaving me with Cool.

"Rest up. Don't worry about anything." He said and tucked me back to bed again.

"Good night princess." He whispered before my body gave in to fatigue and fell asleep once again.

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