

Alpha Jaxxon POV

I have been patiently waiting on how I would go about trying to win my mates heart. I will do everything in my power to get her in my arms and claim her as mine. I’m not giving up on her no matter how much she was holding against me.

She was mine and mines to claim. Now that the mate bond was in full effect, there’s no stopping it. I will be there every step of the way until she gives me that opportunity.

Since that faithful morning she rejected me, I didn’t think she would actually do it. There’s no way in hell I would ever accept it. She owned my heart. I would never give my heart to another. I would give my all to her.

I bet she never knew I had a tattoo on my left chest covered in plumeria flowers that represented her. The five leaves represent sincerity, faith, devotion, aspiration, and surrender. Everything dedicated to her. I had her initials on one of the leaves because at all cost, I will always surrender my heart to her.

I wanted to see her again but maybe it wasn’t right to see her so soon. A part of me pushing to get a glimpse of her. Maybe I’ll stop by the school next week to get Olivia. Make an excuse to just be in sight of her.

‘Surprise mate’ Pyro chimes in.

‘Maybe Pyro. I don’t want to do anything to push her further. She’s still upset with me’

‘I know. Mate mad. Mate hurt’ he says sadly.

There was this strange feeling in my heart that I could not describe. Something that didn’t feel right. I tried my best to ignore it. Then my phone rings..

I looked at my phone and it was David.

“And what pleasure do I owe my best friend for calling me. I know he’s busy with his soon to be Luna Queen and doesn’t have time for his best friend.” I laughed out to him.

“Funny. Where are you? I need to come see you.” He says. There’s a tone I don’t recognize in his voice.

“Alright bro. I’m at the pack house. Feel free to stop in when you need to. I was actually thinking about heading that way myself.”

“NO!!!! Don’t. I don’t need the extra drama here. I’ll be there in the next hour.” He says before he hangs up.

That was strange. Usually I can tell something is wrong. Did it have to do with the feelings I was having earlier?

I sat in my chair in my office as I continue with pack house paperwork. I drowned myself in work with built up paperwork that I’ve neglected. Trying to get caught up in many cases that were going on within my pack. Typically Marcus is on it. I could hear my office door being opened and I recognize the scent. Tiffany. Pyro growls as I look at Tiffany. “What do you want?”

“I’ve come to see the love of my life”, she smiles as she tries to walk towards me.

Pyro growls louder and he’s on the surface. “I told you to stay away from me.”

“Now Jaxxon. You know that’s a lie. Your going to want me here from now on..”

I stood up and my hands grabbed her throat so fast as she chokes. I start to squeeze my hands ready to rip her throat out as she struggles.

“She’s…. She…. has.. another Alpha.. she… doesn’t want you…” she tries to get out.

What is she talking about? Who is she talking about? I let her throat go and let her dropped to the floor and stepped a far distance from her.

“Who are you talking about?” I asked with my authority flowing out.

She’s coughing and trying to get her breath back to normal, “the princess… your so called mate.” She stares at me to see my reaction. “Amaly.”

“Lies Tiffany. Whether she’s on a date or not or even with another Alpha, I will never choose you over the princess.” I let her know ready to end her life. “I would never pursue you as a chosen.

“But Jaxxon…. Ahhhhhh”

A loud slap across her face from Olivia was heard.

“How dare you disrespect your Alpha by calling him on first name basis. You have no right to do that. And last time I checked, you were not wanted in this pack house.” Olivia was in rage. How much she truly hated Tiffany was known.

I looked to the door and saw my best friend in the entryway ashamed at what he heard. He walks in, straight to Tiffany on the verge of wanting to rip her head off.

“Keep my f*cking sister’s name out of your mouth. That much jealousy you seek on the Alpha isn’t reciprocated. Dare disrespect Alpha Jaxxon, myself, my sister or any royal family, I will have your head cut off in the instant.” Alpha King David states with his wolf on the surface. “I will not banish you from the packs. I would not have you in any of my packs. I will have you dead before I ever let anyone banish you.”

Tiffany frighten self shrivels. “Alpha King, I was not disrespecting you or the princess. I’m in love with the Alpha and was being honest on the whereabouts of his mate..”

“Quiet! She is not your business and I am sure Alpha Jaxxon has never appointed you to give him any status about his mate. Stay away from her, I command you!” He was on the verge on making her death appear. “Your dismissed! Leave this office immediately!” He commands her.

She tries to fight his commands as she looks at me. She has quite the courage to think there’s an ounce of me to ever protect her. I knew she was a mistake. I should have kept my junior to myself.

“LEAVE!” I commanded and she got up and walked to the door. She turned to look at Olivia with hate in her eyes before walking out.

“I really wish you never touched that whore”, Olivia says in disgust. “I’ll leave my two favorite brothers to it” as she smiled at David and he smiles back at her. Olivia walks to the door and looks at me, “I’m locking this door so no one else can bother the two of you.” And I nod and she closes the door.

I look at my best friend who has a look of concern.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him. “I can see something is wrong in your eyes.”

He sighs.

“You need to sit down and listen to me. There’s things I need to let you know and I am not sure how you are going to deal with it.” He says.

“Let it out. I’ve already got to deal with a pestering she wolf.” I said annoyingly. I’ve already had enough of Tiffany shenanigans.

“She wasn’t wrong..” he starts. “I’m not sure how she got the information. That’s why I came here to talk to you myself.”

“What the hell are you talking about David?” Pyro says on the surface.

“There’s another powerful Alpha wanting to claim Amaly as his chosen. He has came to claim her..”

“David, be for real. What in the hell are you talking about? Amaly is my fated mate and there is no one taking her from me.” I stood up to look down at him.

“There’s more. I need you to sit down.” He takes a deep breath, but waits for me to take my seat.

When I do, I was ready to pounce as he started again with this nonsense.

“He has every right to claim her.”

I got up so fast that I grabbed my desk and threw it across the room. David still composed in his seat and didn’t move an inch.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO CLAIM MY MATE!!! MINES!!! She is mines, David. My fated mate destined to me from the Moon Goddess.” I was so infuriated in the thought there is another who thought they could claim her.

“There is a blood oath in place.”

I looked at David in shocked. “WHAT?”

“My great grandfather made a blood oath treaty with the great grandfather of the Alpha King of the Southern Border Territory to continue a peace treaty with a promised marriage between the daughter of the Northern West Territory and the son of the Southern Border Territory.”

Lost in my own thoughts that a stronger, more powerful Alpha wants to take my mate to claim.

“This can’t be real, David. He can’t. He needs to find his fated. Not mines.”

“Unfortunately Jax, he has looked for his mate for over six years and has never crossed paths with her. He had a chosen that was killed before her Luna ceremony. This is probably why my great grandfather had one child and then my grandfather only had Dad as his only child. Even dad didn’t know about the blood oath.”

I didn’t know how to deal with this. I was already in a bad placed with Amaly. She already rejected me once. Would she really choose a chosen over her fated?

“And what does your father think about this?” I asked.

“He’s against it. Of course he wants you as her mate but even he can not go against the blood oath. If we don’t agree, there will be bloodshed between both territories and we can not allow it. He is a very powerful Alpha. You fighting for her against him could possibly lose your life and your pack. I won’t allow it Jax. I won’t.” He says with definition to not go against him.

“So your asking me to give up on the only person I have vowed to protect most of my life. The one you have always known I’ve loved. You want me to walk away from the person who is my equal David? I can’t.”

“Jaxxon… we’ll figure this out together.” He looks at me as if he didn’t know what to do. “But for right now, your going to have to let her be. I can’t have our territory risking bloodshed. My sister’s life will be in danger and I won’t allow you to compromise it.”

“David, I can’t promise you I will sit this out and watch the woman I love with another. I’ve already did that.”

“But you moved on with other she wolves didn’t you. You weren’t committed to her when you knew the truth before.” He knew and could read me like a book.

“David, I cant.”

“You will for now. Dad and I will see what we can do and dig into this blood oath further. But you, I need you to reel yourself in a bit. Have patience. I know deep down, my sister’s heart is with you.”

He encouragingly says but it doesn’t soothe me. I try to take it in but the pain of possibility losing her couldn’t settle me.

My heart felt like it was getting ripped out as a excruciating pain went through my chest. A once familiar pain. I collapsed to the floor as David came to me.

“Jax, you alright bro? What’s happening?” He asked.

“Where…. Where is she?” I try to get out.

He gulps and looks into my eyes, “on a date with the other Alpha.”

Pyro comes to surface and shifts. He lets out a huge snarl and growls. Roars so loud the whole office shakes.

“MINE! She MINES!” Ready to take off.

“PYRO STAY HERE!” David alpha commands Pyro and Pyro tries to defy him. “PYRO!! Stay!! Calm down.”

“Mate kiss another. I hurt. I hurt.” He cries.

“I know Pyro. Patience Pup! She’ll come to you. Just wait. Shift back to Jaxxon.” David ask of Pyro and he nods and whimpers as he gives me back control.

The pain of knowing that she has let another alpha touch her. Was this intentional?

“David, you know I can’t sit and leave it. She’s my mate. I have too much respect for you as a friend and as the Alpha King. But I can not promise you that I will let my mate walk away from me. Not again” I tell my best friend, letting him know that my heart will not allow me to sit and watch life pass me by.

“All I ask for is your patience until we figure things through. Anything you choose to do has consequences. Remember, he is stronger than you. Whatever you plan to do can also upset her and push her away.”

“I need to see her. I need to talk to her. Let her know the truth.” Trying to convince myself that she will come to me.

“And you will, just not right now at this moment.”

His words don’t sit well with me. I will go see her and speak to her on my own. I have to. I can’t just give up on her that easily.

“It’s easier for you to say that coming from someone who has their mate by their side. If the shoes were on the other hand, would you sit back?” I asked him.

“No, I wouldn’t. But I’m also one of the most highest ranking Royal wolf. Much powerful then you. Going against another Alpha King would not be an issue. You on the other hand would endanger the well being of my sister and yourself. And if I have to choose between the two, you already know I would choose her. She’s apart of me, connected since birth. An understanding between the both of us united as twins. Besides my fated, and my family, she will be the other person I will risk my life for in a heartbeat.”

“I know David. You have to understand what you are asking. I can’t say yes to it.”

“I’m asking you to try. Don’t jump to conclusions.” He sighs.

A moment of silence between us. Trying to recollect my thoughts and process everything that’s been told to me. She felt hurt and betrayed by me hiding the fact we were mates. Here she is knowing we’re mates now, and has let another Alpha touch her.

I looked at my best friend who looked concerned for me. He shook his head at me. “I have to go Jaxxon. Before Nadia starts questioning me and my whereabouts. I left as soon as I could to speak to you. You know I wouldn’t keep anything hidden from you.”

“I know.”

“We’ll figure this out together.” He says as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

I nod. “I’ll do some research on blood oaths too.” I looked at my desk that was destroyed. “After I get my office back in order.” We both laughed as I walked my friend to the front.

We both gave each other a brotherly hug before he parted his way to his car. Noticed the warriors outside his car patiently waiting for him. Surprised to not see his Beta or Gamma with him. I’m sure with all this information, he would have his most trusted confidantes at the packhorse.

I was still lost at my own thoughts on how to actually digest his words. Blood oath. His rights to claim. Promised marriage. How no one could ever knew all these years until now. Were there hidden secrets that weren’t read between the lines?

How could I give her up to another if she was made for me? If they claimed each other, where would that leave me? Accepting a chosen was not something I would ever consider. I vowed to be by the side of my fated mate and to rule my empire like equals.

I knew when fate had Amaly tied to me, that there was a reason we were always so connected. That the two of us shared a connection that strengthened the both of us. She was powerful and never realized who she really is.

It’s already evening time, so I filled a glass up with some ice and poured some cognac. Sat on the couch in my office next to the fire place, staring into the oblivion watching the flames bounce around, deep into my thoughts.

Beta Marcus & Gamma Arun stroll into the office and both make themselves comfortable in the other couch as they stare at me. Trying to figure out what’s going on with their Alpha.

“What’s up Jaxxon? Your whole vibe is out of wack. I can feel something is wrong and I’m not feeling it”, Arun says. I looked at him wondering what to say.

“Yea, whatever is going on, you need to update us. The fact David came through last minute and the drama I heard about Tiffany. We were catching things at the end.” Marcus adds in.

I looked at both of them, then I looked at the door knowing someone could be lurking. I get up to check on my office door and make sure it was closed and locked so whatever I was to discuss, I didn’t want out.

“Whatever we discuss shall not be discussed outside these doors until it’s revealed on its own”, I looked straight at Marcus knowing how close he is getting to my sister and that she was also Amaly’s best friend, “and I mean not even discussing with my sister Marcus.”

He nods cautiously. “I won’t. I don’t discuss everything with her when it’s confidential pack business.”

“It’s not pack business. It’s my business.” I said clearly.

They both look at me curiously.

“I don’t understand. Usually we know everything when it comes to you. Since the day Amaly’s been here, it’s been.. i don’t know.. weird.” Marcus says trying describe the past few days. “Don’t get me wrong, we know Amaly is your mate. Are you guys ok?”

How was I to answer that? No, she is being claimed in a promised marriage to the Alpha King of the Southern Border Territory. I can’t claim her, she don’t belong to me. So many thoughts running against each other.

“I don’t know where to begin except… she’s been promised to another by blood oath.” They both looked at me like there were ready to take on someone for me as they propped up to understand. “She’s my destiny, but she’s had her mate planned out for her before she was ever born.” I tell my two close friends as I stare at the dancing flames.

“What are you talking about Jaxx? Can’t no one else claim what is originally yours? It’s fate!” Marcus declares.

“Both great grandfathers on both sides signed a peace treaty by sealing the fate between the daughter of Northern West Territory and the son of the Southern Border Territory.” I took a sip of the cognac, still staring at the flames before I glanced up at the two. “They signed the treaty as a blood oath that nothing can alter around it.”

“There’s has to be away around it. Where’s the treaty? I want to look at it.” Marcus says.

“There’s no way I can go about it Marcus. He’s the Alpha King of the Southern Border Territory. Stronger and more power then me. I could loose my life and my pack going after him” I said with my ego turnt down a notch.

Both men starred confused.

“Alpha.. I think it’s best we dig deeper into this. Something doesn’t sound right at all?” Arun questions. “Maybe there’s something in between the lines. Ain’t no way I’m going to give up on my future Luna for some sleaze-ball to take claim.”

The way he said it made my heart flicker. My Luna. That she was.

“Yea Jaxxon. Seems like there’s more to it that none of us really know. Did David disclose anything else?”

“No, he didn’t say more except that we need to dig into the blood oath. It was hidden and no one knew about it.” If it didn’t hurt me losing her before, the idea of it happening now would break me. She was who I wanted.

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