
The Library


"What the fuck" The girl in Magnus' office said as she glared at me with hostility in her eyes.

I stood transfixed to the spot wondering who the girl was to Magnus for her to react this way. She looked younger than me, fifteen or sixteen years at most. His child with Elena perhaps. But she looked too old to be his child. Anyway, I had never really thought of how old Magnus was.

"Magnus, who is she?" I asked him myself, wanting to clear up the confusion.

He looked torn between the both of us and I could see that he cared about her.

"This is Betty, she's Elena sister, she's back on holiday from boarding school,"

"She doesn't smell like a Lycan to me. You're replacing Elena with this lowlife,"

"Betty!" Magnus said in a warning tone but didn't say anything otherwise. I was surprised to see him give her rein to talk rudely to me.

"Ill give you both time to figure yourselves out. I'll come back later"I said heading to the door.

"Dont pull the victim card, I'm outta here. You
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