
You tried to kiss me



"I don't understand what you're trying to say." I answered her question while I tried my very best to avert my gaze and focus on the task at hand so that she doesn't catch on to anything.

"I mean, I remember falling asleep in your car but then I woke up in my bedroom and I don't know how I got there."

"I carried you there." I responded casually. My hands holding the pen firmly as though I wanted to squeeze the life out of it. Damn!

"You carried me there?" She questioned. "Hope it wasn't too much trouble and I hope that I didn't do something stupid." She cried out feeling embarrassed.

I laughed. No honey, I would never consider what you did as stupid. It was beautiful and quite charming at the same time. She looked so cute being shy and I could stare at her all day and not get tired of doing so. Why couldn't she just read between the signs that I wanted her. Why wouldn't she just let me in? Why was she constantly trying to fight this? To fight us?

"Why do you want to know if y
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