


My meeting went well, thankfully. Even though I had to do a lot of apologizing to the stuck up shareholders who looked quite unimpressed when I barged into the boardroom with beads of perspiration dotting my forehead. The rest of the day after my meeting was pretty uneventful and I just stayed in my office and signed documents and answered emails.

My phone buzzed with a text. It was Hazel.

Hazel: I know how you feel right now, and I’m not going to try to push you or anything. We can talk when you feel better and are calm. I didn’t do it though, Christian. I would never. Hope your meeting went well regardless.”

I tossed my phone back on my dear and sighed heavily. ‘I would never.’ But she did once before. I was torn, honestly. A part of me was heartbroken, especially when I had found the file in her bedroom, but the confusing thing was that there was the other part of me that believed that she really didn’t do it. And the point she had made earlier made sense. If she really w
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