
Mixed Feelings


The fight was fierce and long, the woman with a baby in her arms kept running through the seas of dead bodies,

"do not worry my child, I'll protect you, I won't let anything happen to you", she crooned, trying to soothe the fussy baby in her arms, she stared back at her husband who was already surrounded by the enemies but he was still fighting bravely, his face fierce, without looking, he knew that his wife was still there,

"Run, Ariana, take Aidan away ", tears streamed down from the woman's eyes as she stared at her husband and then her child, "let's go through the secret channel" she whispered to her child, "I'll protect you", her heart thudded with fear of what could happen to her family as she passed through the secret passage that only she and her husband knows about, it led to a river, she quickly wrapped the baby in a blanket,

"I can't let your father die, I have to go and help him", she placed a kiss on the baby's forehead, "I'll look for you when this is over,
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Katlyn Graciale
I wish they would just talk so he can stop being an ass

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