
Bonus - 25

The next few days past at an excruciatingly slow pace.

Shinee remains blissfully unaware of Damon's secret the whole time, treating me no differently. I, however, have felt nothing but a growing pit in my stomach, as I try to wrap my head around what Damon is. The Moon. I still find it hard to believe him, but after all he told me, I'm not about to question him. If his threat about Shinee is real, I'm not saying a word.

But what he told me has brought an itching curiosity to the surface. Damon mentioned how powerful Shinee is, but I have yet to see him bring up any of these abilities in front of me recently.. And I know he won't, to try not to scare me.

Today, however, will be different. I'm going to test him.

Evening has officially settled over the estate, and like clockwork, everyone returns to their rooms. On the way to my bedroom, I stop by Shinee's, his door ajar, so I knock on the doorframe.

Shinee is lounging on his bed, reading something. Hearing my knock, he glances up at me
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