


This is a sight a mother only saw in her worst nightmares. It was heartbreaking, to say the least.

I mean, who could imagine watching their only son beat up their mate so mercilessly? I did nothing but watch the entire scene with horrified eyes. I knew Damien was merciless, but I never knew that applied to his father.

Marielle screamed at her son to stop, but it was like Damien could not even hear her. He slammed his fists repeatedly into his father’s face, to the point where I was certain that a few more hits and Gio would be dead.

Marielle’s claws elongated, and she began to claw at Damien’s back. I watched with a pang in my chest as his shirt turned to shreds and blood began to drip down his back, but it did not even faze him one bit. Tears streamed down her eyes, and soon mine as well.

I wanted to do something because, as much as I hate Gio, I never wished this for him. Or Marielle.

But this had to be done. Gio knew where my daughter was, or even if it was some so
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