
Chapter Fifty One


A sense of triumph, along with a compressing sensation in my throat that felt suspiciously like the tightening of a noose, assaulted me . It was necessary; the only thing that could be done. The only way for me to truly claim this child, make him my heir. And the only way to claim Nala .

A heavy pulse throbbed in my groin at the thought of claiming her in the most basic, elemental way. I wanted her with a kind of passionate ferocity that was foreign to me.

I would have wanted her no matter what, would have desired her had i passed her when she was walking down the street. But the intense, bone deep need to take her, to enter her sweet body and join myself to her…that had to be connected to the pregnancy because it was outside anything in my experience. I had experienced lust the basest kind that had nothing to do with emotion and I had been in love. This didn’t resemble either experience.

I could satisfy my lust for her without marriage, but marriage was necessary for me to h
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