
Zayn Plans To Deal With His Mate.


After my confession, I sat rigidly in my chair, staring at Lincoln who was seated beside my mate, Maisie. The atmosphere in the room was now strained as he read the clauses I had just corrected on the proposal he had just presented to me in silence. My bad mood worsened as time passed by, every time I saw him touch my mate. My fists clenched so tightly that my nails dug into my palms, trying to rein in some control over my belligerent wolf who was just seconds away from lashing at the man on the spot.

But I was no fool. I could see the calculating glint in the Moon Stone alpha's eyes anytime he initiated intimate contact with his wife. Lincoln was definitely looking for an advantage, something to rattle me during this negotiation but that wasn't going to happen. Because I wasn't the type of man who let others control my weaknesses.

No, I was the predator that everyone feared.

Maisie looked uncomfortable by her husband's advances but she soldiered on, playing the role of a demure wife who adored her husband. Her eyes darted between me and her man, shifting uneasily as soon as she realized that she was caught in a dangerous game between two alphas.

My claws threatened to come out of my skin as my wolf thrashed aggressively against the walls of my mind. It was in pain and torment, understanding why its mate would betray it like this. The unexpected spike of anguish pierced my heart like a sharp arrow, leaving a bloody trail behind.


“Yes, darling?” Maisie managed to summon a sweet, docile smile for her husband, ignoring the hidden scowl on my face.

“I think it’s time for you to pick up our son from school.” Lincoln slowly released her and straightened his form. His mysterious smile made her unsettled for some unknown reason. “You know how much he hates seeing the nanny waiting for him.”

My predatory gaze landed on Lincoln immediately after I heard the alpha’s words, “You have a child?”

“Yes, we do,” Lincoln replied with pride, “His name is Alexei. You should meet him before you leave, he is such an adorable, obedient child.”

Maisie's eyes widened, drawing my attention to her clenched fists placed on the table. My eyes narrowed on her reaction to the topic of her child but she quickly rose up from her seat. Her voice trembled slightly, “You are right, darling. I'm sure he will be very happy to see me.”

My eyes followed her figure as she departed from us, climbing upstairs with an unsteady pace. I could sense her terror through the mating bond, but I knew without a doubt, that the reason for those feelings was Lincoln.

After Maisie left, I stayed behind for a while, discussing some other pack matters with the Moon Stone alpha before I exited Lincoln’s house. It was only when I had reached the house assigned to me which had been thoroughly checked, that my security head, Micah finally approached me to hear the results of my scout visit.

“He must be hiding the children somewhere close to his home,” I remarked. “The number of guards stationed in the forest behind his house is not normal. I think we should find an opportunity to investigate that area when we have the chance.”

Micah slowly digested the information I had disclosed to him after my visit. The only reason we had come to the Moon Stone pack was because there had been no progress in the past despite our efforts to help the children. None of the spies we had sent to investigate the pack had returned alive. I hadn't suspected Lincoln Winchester to be the culprit behind the situation until he got hold of his bank statements and pack accounts.

Something was definitely not right with him.

“I’ll go there personally to check the place tomorrow,” Micah volunteered, knowing how important the mission was to his alpha. Children were said to be highly valued in the Great Landmark due to the declining population of women in the land so they were meant to be treasured and well-taken care of. His face turned grim when he thought of something so he asked, “Do you think his family is aware of his illegal dealings?”

I thought of Maisie’s face and shook my head immediately. My mate could be a lot of things, but she was not a child trafficker. “I don’t think so, but we have to make sure first. That’s why I am coming with you tomorrow.”

“Tell me what you are thinking, Zayn.” Although it was very rare for the dangerous, dark-skinned bodyguard to question me, there were times when he got curious about what went on in my intelligent mind.

“I plan to seduce his wife,” I admitted unabashedly, ignoring the horrified look on Micah’s face. Returning my attention to the tablet in my hands, I continued to speak. “I am sure I’ll be able to get some information from her if she truly knows something about the child trafficking incident.”

It was difficult for Micah to process his words but he still blurted out, “What if she still refuses to talk? I don’t think she would betray her mate so easily.”

“She will,” My confident, charming smile concealed the determination in my heart. Although I had purposely hidden the fact that Maisie was my runaway mate from him, I already knew that I could get whatever I wanted from her without lifting a muscle.

Because this was my revenge for the things she had done to both me and my wolf. This time, I was going to bring her to her knees before I got wanted. I tapped Micah's shoulder as I turned around to hit the shower. “Don’t worry, Micah. I’ll make sure that woman talks no matter what, even if I have to question her on my bed.”

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