
Maisie's Secret Is Finally Exposed.


The morning sunlight cast a warm glow on the breakfast table through the glass windows as I watched Lincoln exit the house for his routine run with the pack. As soon as I heard the sound of the door clicking shut, I hurried to my room leaving the maids to clean the table.

It was the weekend, which made it the perfect time for me to execute my plan of escaping the Moon Stone pack. I had spent the entire week playing the role of the perfect wife, hiding my true intentions from my husband and the guards who monitored my every move.

After Zayn had visited our home that day, I suddenly realized that Lincoln had begun to even doubt Alexei's paternity. That was a very dangerous suspicion, one that I knew could lead to me and my child's death if the truth was ever discovered.

When I suddenly returned with Alexei that day, I had already made up her mind. There was no way I could let Zayn find out the truth about Alexei, which meant that I had to leave the pack before that happened.

I grabbed my suitcase and clothes from the closet, moving with urgent, swift movements. When I descended downstairs and sent the maids away, I heard my phone ring on the couch which caused my heart to skip a beat.

I quickly reached for my phone and spoke first, “Hello, Felix?”

“It’s me, Maisie,” A familiar, smooth, gravelly voice echoed through the speakers, causing my heart to sink in relief, “I’m waiting for you in the forest behind your house. Are you ready?”

“Yes, I am,” I moved to the window, looking through the shiny glass to see my son playing near the pool outside. I replied, “Lincoln has gone for his morning pack run and I have already drugged the drinks and food for the guards. I will meet you in ten minutes.”

“Alright, I will be waiting for you.” The man from the other side reassured me. “Just head east and don’t look back until you get past the riverbank. Be safe, Maisie.”

“I will, thank you.” My voice was heavy with gratitude. I knew that I wouldn't be able to pull this off without my hidden trump card, Felix Kincaid.

Felix had become my most trusted ally ever since our fate encounter with a rogue wolf after I had just left the Frost Fang pack. Those were the hardest times of my life, being a deserted pregnant woman but Felix had been my companion and guardian angel. That was why I trusted him enough to let him help me with this dangerous plan.

After I was done packing, I straightened my back, checking to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything. My eyes wandered to the photo frame sitting on my bedside table, reminding me of the happier times me and my son had spent in the house. I felt resentful and nostalgic about my decision to leave, but she had no other choice.

This was my choice.

I decided to look for her son when I looked at the wall clock and realized that the pack run would soon end. My heart pounded with anticipation and fear at the possibility of my husband returning home so I went to fetch Alexei so we could leave quickly. I dashed from room to room, my eyes scanning for any sign of my little boy but he was nowhere to be seen. Toys lay scattered on the living room floor, a colorful testament to the morning’s play, untouched and suddenly ominous.

“Alexei?” I called out to him with a hushed voice. My eyes widened with caution when I saw a random unconscious bodyguard lying near a wall in the living room.

With each unanswered call, my panic increased with each passing minute. My mind raced with terrible possibilities, each more frightening than the last. I tried to quell the rising tide of dread, to focus on the task at hand, but it was simply impossible. By the time I reached the side of the house, my eyes were almost leaking with tears as I desperately searched for my missing son but my racing heart immediately stilled upon the sight I saw.

My son laid weakly on the lush green grass beside the poolside, his chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. I gasped in shock when I saw how pale he was, his colorless lips parted a little. My eyes went to the man who knelt beside my son with a calm demeanor, water dripping off him from head to toe. His wet clothing clung to his muscled body as he looked up at her, his eyes filling up with an intense rage that threatened to burn me alive.

My knees nearly bucked from fear and dread as I contemplated approaching the both of them. I was torn between the desire to check up on my child and the urge to run away from this scary man as soon as I could. In the end, I asked him with a trembling voice, “What are you doing here? Give me my child, Zayn.”

I immediately looked to the pool after I had spoken, my body growing tense at the sight of the colored water that now occupied the pool. The black artificial dye on my son’s hair had now bled into the pool, polluting the pure chlorine water that had been there earlier. My eyes darted to my son’s silvery white hair that had been exposed after the black dye had been washed away, exposing my greatest secret.

“This must be Alexei,” A dangerous, low growl tore from Zayn’s throat, causing panic to sneak into my emerald-green eyes. My stomach double-clenched when I heard him ask the question that I had been dreading since the day I saw him in my husband's house that night. My hand went to the gun hidden underneath my shirt, loaded with silver bullets as a mysterious smile played on his lips. “He is my son, isn't he?”

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