

"Is she sleeping yet?"

"Yes,I put her to bed a few minutes ago."Heather responded.

"Was she fussy?Did she cry?"

"No,she and my daughter Emma had lots of fun.I took them to the park,she enjoyed herself.You have nothing to worry about."

"Now I can rest easy I was hoping to talk to her before she went to bed but I'll call tomorrow morning."

"Okay,have a great night and I'll give her a kiss from you."

"Thanks Heather."She dropped the call and just then Max strolled out of the closet.

"How is she?Is she giving Heather a hard time."

"No,infact from the sound of it,seems she's not even aware that I'm not there."

"It's a good thing right."He said coming over and taking her hands in his.

"I suppose she's finally starting to trust people again and that's great,it shows she's letting go of the fear she had about me leaving and not coming back."

"Well I'm glad that she's adapting so fast."He said gently stroking her cheek."Now you won't have to worry about her and if she's being fretful or not."

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