

She shook her head."Are you stressing?Any new project you working on that's giving you sleepless nights."

"No,nothing."She said.

"There has to be a reason why your blood pressure is so high unless of course if you pregnant.Are you?"She asked after a while.

"No,I don't think so."

"Do you know why you in hospital."She nodded."Well I would say you dehydrated and exhausted that's the reason you fainted,I've put you on an IV to give your body the supplements it needs.We've run a few tests and they should be back in the next few hours we'll keep you here until then."

"Is it really necessary for me to stay here."She began.

"Yes it is,as I said your blood pressure is worrying we need to monitor it and bring it down.If it goes any higher than a hundred and forty you could suffer from cardiac arrest,get a stroke or heart attack this is serious Mrs Torrés and until we know the reason why your blood pressure is so high we cannot let you leave."

Adriana slumped back on her pillow she was at a loss
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