


“Please don't say no” Aramide begged as their eyes locked. She looked at him through her wet eyelashes as she bit her lip, at this point, she was sure she was going to bleed. “I'm begging you, Cole,” She tried “If our past and our love, meant anything to you, then please, Please help our daughter” She begged.

Aramide hoped to everything she believed in that Cole would accept, Yes, she had to admit, she kept his daughter from him, she hid the truth from him for eight long years, but she didn't have a choice, if she had told Cole, the custody battle would have ensued and their daughter would have to stay in foster homes because the process always took a long time, her daughter was too fragile and precious for that.

She knew she was asking for too much. Yes she was the one who completely shattered their relationship a few years ago, but she had chosen herself back then, it had been best for everyone. <

The African Girl


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