
133.. “Stop asking for forgiveness and just make me understand before I go crazy! How can you tell me my dad is alive when I watched him get lowered six feet below the ground? What are you saying?”

Becky's POV…

I suddenly flinched my eyes open and it was exposed directly to light bulbs in the room I was in, so I had to shut them back.

That sudden weird smell hit my nose and I instantly knew that I was at the hospital.

I opened my eyes slowly after a few minutes and slowly sat up on the bed.

“Oh my goodness! You're finally awake!” Tyler suddenly exclaimed and that was when I noticed he was in the dead with him.

He stood up and engaged me in a tight warm hug while I was busy trying to arrange the puzzle in my head of how I landed in the hospital.

That instant, memories flew in a rush and I immediately disengaged from Tyler.

I passed out because I saw my dad standing right in front of me and I even heard him call out my name.

I looked around the ward I was in and I sighed in relief when I saw my dad was not in sight.

“Please just tell me I was hallucinating or I probably saw my father's ghost,” I said to Tyler but he was just mute.

“You have to just calm down first Becky, I
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