
Freeing Summer

Michael POV

I watch her saunter out of the room gracefully and I scoff inwardly. How can she act so normal when she has just sentenced Hermes to a century of torture? Witches sure are a weird race.

I race after her and catch up with her by the stairs. I have a lot of questions to ask but I decide against it. She might be looking calm but the way she is clenching her jaws says otherwise. She is still mad and I am not ready to be put in a meat grinder for a century. Who can dispute that? She is capable of anything after all.

"I can feel your apprehension little wolf. It is tainting the air I breathe. Loosen up, I do not bite. Rather, should I not be the one being wary of you? After all, you are a predator. Your aura says it all. You are a high-ranked wolf."

She is right you know. However, I still cannot shake off the torture that Hermes is going through. I gulp and force a smile as I walk closer to her.

"So, my lady, where are we going?"

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