
Chapter 02 Partners


“Logan!” she says cheerily, latching onto his arm like a leech. But of course, she was the chosen one by the Alpha of Evergreen Pack. His chosen mate and Luna.

Looking at her again, I’d say she hasn’t changed at all. No, she’s gotten more gorgeous these last two years. The crop top and jeans she has on shapes her hourglass figure perfectly, her ash blonde hair cascades past her long neck in delicate waves, and the heavens must’ve kissed her radiant face.

Compared to my frumpy demeanor and overall lousy presentation of myself, as they stand together before me, I feel defeated once more. They’re the perfect pair. Even if I was in a relationship with Dean, the difference between us is like heaven and earth.

“Oh, hello,” she says, looking me over none too subtly. “Didn’t think you’d actually show up. You look … well.”

Dean pulls me even closer to him. We’re practically compressing our bodies together in a tight side hug. He makes a show of twirling my hair, then allowing it to settle past my right shoulder. “Well? She’s perfect all the time, just tired from lack of sleep because of me.”

I look up at him, holding back a small smile. His acting classes are paying off; I won’t even blink if he becomes a famous actor down the line. We’re only pretending, but he makes me feel like this is real. It’s kind of nice to hear something nice, though he always does it to me randomly.

He smirks, and the twinkle in his eyes tells me he’s up to no good. Dean leans in and kisses my forehead, taking me by surprise. “You know how it is,” he continues as he eyes her from the top of her head to her shoes, then at her, “I’m Dean, the fiancé. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Luna —”

The way her light green eyes lit up at the recognition is as bright as the sun’s—it hurts the eyes and makes one turn away. Madeline blushes as she takes his hand. “Madeline Correl, but … no, I’m yet to be Luna.”

That makes me look at Logan, whose gaze is apparently still burning into my face. He puts an arm around her waist and pulls her close.

Gross. These two definitely deserve each other.

“I must say, it’s rather bold of you to show your face here again,” he says coldly.

My dad tries to interfere. “Alpha—”

“Stay out of this, Jayson.” He locks eyes with me, the unmistakable hint of anger in his tone loud and silencing. “On your father’s request, you weren’t shot on sight. That … is all the leniency you get for going AWOL two years ago. It would’ve been better if you’d gone rogue, but you chose to keep your ties with the pack. Moreover, you return with an unidentified wolf. Madeline will escort you after dinner. Your status and punishment are yet to be determined.”

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from yelling at this massive prick.

Status? Punishment?

He should’ve allowed my dad to leave to visit me if he didn’t want me back here. Logan denied his requests every single time!

“In that case, I’d like to be granted a seat at the table, Alpha Logan. I insisted on accompanying her without undergoing due process. With all due respect, allow me to make the proper introductions as well as defend my fiancé. As per the treaty between our packs, I am granted the right.” Dean holds his ground, standing proud and confident in front of an alpha, fully aware that he’s just antagonized him.

I have to step in. I can’t let Dean get into more trouble when he has absolutely no reason to get involved in the first place. He’s just doing this for me, and I can’t bear to see him on the receiving end of injustice.

I’m about to speak when Logan beats me to it.

He leaves Madeline and squares up to Dean.

My fingers clutch his shirt, and I try to meet his eyes, but he won’t look away from the Alpha.

“You’re speaking out of turn, gamma. I say who sits at the table. This is my territory … and you’re standing in it.” He raises his left arm, pointing in that direction. “Blackwood is that way. You can run your mouth within its borders.”

Dean attempts to speak, but he is immediately cut off.

“You’re not her fiancé ’cause I haven’t given her permission. I won’t say this twice.” His shoulders relax, then with a deep, warning growl he warns, “Get your hands off of my mate.”

“Excuse me?” My hands roll into tight fists, itching to dislocate that smug face of the man calling himself my mate.

He side-glances at me. “He heard me.”

I loosen my arms around Dean, but he holds my hand, intertwines our fingers and firmly replies, “I heard you. The answer’s obviously ‘no’. Mate or not, we’re engaged.”

“Yes, engaged. You’re not her husband.”

“Oh, I’m more than her husband,” Dean growls. “In fact, I’m Le-”

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” My voice is raised; one hand holding Dean’s while the other pokes at his damn hard pecs. “You don’t get to claim ‘mate’ after what you did, you prick. Alpha or not, I have every right to return and bring my fiancé before my dad, without your fucking permission.”

I step back, drag my fake fiancé over to my dad, and grab his hand. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we have a very important marriage to discuss and two whole years of catching up. Later!”

Neither Dean nor dad protest as I haul their grown asses into the house, practically shoving them one by one through the front door. I turn to give him the meanest look I can muster, blatantly ignoring the unamused pin up model behind him.

“I’ll see you in my office tonight, Hanna.”

My heart almost lurches out of my chest from hearing him speak my name. I push that back into its chest, locking it in securely. It’s an emotion that must never be allowed to run amok, else all my work would have been for nothing. “You’ll see us tomorrow, Alpha, when Dean and I are well-rested.”

“He’s not invited,” he growls, making a move to head towards me, but Madeline stops him by linking her arm with his.

Thanks to his momentary distraction, I’m able to step inside, saying, “He can decide for himself,” while shutting the door on their faces.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “Are they gone?”

“I can see them walking away,” Dean replies rather calmly.

Dad wastes not a single second in throwing the question with that dad voice. “Not to ruin the moment, but will one of you explain what in the moons is going on?”


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