
Chapter 31: Family.

Celine's voice was thick with emotion as she spoke. "I still wonder why she had to leave so early," she said, sniffling as tears continued to fall.

"Wherever she is, she would be so proud of you," Mason replied, his hand gently caressing her hair.

Celine's shoulders relaxed as she nestled closer to him, her breathing slowly beginning to steady. "You're right," she murmured, her voice soft and hoarse. "I know she's with me in spirit, always."

“I miss this…” Mason says.

Celine's laughter echoed in the room as she broke away from the hug, her mood visibly lifted. "I gotta go, Owen and Dad are blowing up my phone," she said, amusement evident in her voice.

Mason stood up alongside her, escorting her towards the door. "Alright, let me walk you out," he said, his voice still gentle.

As they left her apartment, Mason noticed the absence of Celine's car. "Where's your car?" he asked, his brows furrowing slightly.

Celine's smile was small, yet genuine as she replied, "I haven't even seen it in
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