
Chapter 40: Only you

David reclined on his couch, fatigue from the day's events evident in the slump of his shoulders. He had been stewing over Celine's rejection, his ego bruised by her defiance.

"Let's see how she'll survive in this industry without me," he muttered under his breath, popping open a can of soda and taking a long swig.

The knock on the door jolted David from his sullen reverie. He grumbled under his breath, irritation flaring at the disruption of his solitude. "Who the hell could that be?" he muttered, his brow furrowing as he rose to answer the door.

Pausing at the peephole, David was met with the sight of a well-dressed man in a crisp suit. Confusion and suspicion warred within him as he wondered who this visitor might be.

With caution and intrigue, David cracked the door open a sliver, his gaze fixed on the man.

The stern-faced bodyguard shifted aside, revealing Ermanno standing behind him, his expression cold and impassive.

David's brows drew together, his confusion mounting as he tri
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