
Chapter 0006

A Month Later

Crystal's Pov

"Crystal, two club sandwiches on table no.3." Hearing Grace, I was preparing the tray to carry the item. I turned towards her and nodded while she left the kitchen.

I looked at the trey and sighed as I remembered how drastically my life changed in the last month.

That day in the hospital, I didn't only lose my mother but also lost my smile, happiness, and everything.

That day was stormy, I ran out of the hospital and kept running on the road. My eyes were still filled with tears, I wanted to scream and cry, but the bulky men of Issac were chasing behind me. I heard them yell and curse loudly but I had no time to care. The only thing I knew to do was to run for my life.

The bad weather exacerbated the difficulty of my escape and just when I was exhausted and they were about to catch me at an alley, a door suddenly opened and someone pulled me inside a house and closed the door.

And that's when I met Grace; she is not too old, just in her twenties. I instinctively remained wary of all strangers. Yet Grace didn't say anything but silently helped cover for me and get rid of the group of men.

After that, I fainted and took a long nap. I was ready to face another mischief of fate but was awakened by the aroma of bread and coffee. Grace gave me a new home, without asking me anything to repay.

I felt unreal that fate seemed to finally give me some good fortune. Especially after a few days, I cried tears of joy when C*ssie talked to me again. Then I learned the truth that Issac had secretly added pills to my daily meal to suppress my wolf side. That's why I can not connect to C*ssie and it made C*ssie weak until now.

With C*ssie and Grace's encouragement, I started helping Grace with her restaurant. I felt like I was alive again. It must have been my mom who was blessing me from heaven that allowed me to meet a real friend Grace. Everything was going better and I swore to live my future.

Preparing the tray, I was about to leave the kitchen when my head suddenly started spinning. Closing my eyes, I stopped for a couple of seconds thinking it would stop but...soon enough I felt my body losing its strength and the black smoke covered my eyes as I immediately fell on the ground.

The last thing I heard was a scream from Grace, calling me by my name.


Slowly opening my eyes, I saw the white ceiling over my head.

"Crystal, you woke up." Hearing the familiar tone, I turned aside and noticed Grace standing beside my bed with a doctor.

"Where am I?" I asked her and she said, "At the hospital. I found you unconscious in the kitchen. I got scared and brought you here."

Even though she was smiling but it looked weird, as if she was worried or anxious about something.

"I was just feeling weak. There was no need for you to spend money on me again. Let's return to home." Saying it, I was about to get up when the doctor immediately stopped me.

"Ms. Crystal, I'm afraid that I can't discharge you because the way you're taking care of your body is putting both of your lives in danger!"

Hearing her, my eyebrows instantly squinted. "Both? What are you talking about, doctor? I know my body. I'm fine."

The doctor immediately turned towards Grace when she was staring at me intensively as if she wanted to tell me something.

Finally, the doctor sighed and said, "It's a part of your body and life, so I won't hide it from you. Ms Crystal, congratulations, YOU'RE PREGNANT."

And instantly, the room turned dead silent when my eyes widened in shock, "W..what?"

"Yes, even though you're still in the very first month but still, the first three months are very crucial, so you have to take care of yourself for the sake of your little baby inside your womb. You can take a rest. I'll send some food for you."

Saying it, the doctor walked out of the room, but I was still stunned as my entire body froze.

'I...I am pregnant?" I felt my eyes turning moist as I slowly kept my hand over my womb because a baby was inside me!

"Crystal, don't think much about it; you need rest," Grace said, and I turned towards her as she also looked worried about me since she didn't have any clue what actually happened to me a month ago.

"" I whispered when she said, "Don't think about it now, you can think about it after getting well. If you want to keep your baby then it's alright, I will support you, and I will respect your decision even if you don't want the baby."

I kept staring at her blankly because... firstly I couldn't still believe that I was pregnant... pregnant with the baby of a stranger whom I didn't even know or seen for once.

And if I decide to keep the baby, then can I provide the best life for the child? Here I am running away from the world, what if my baby also has to run away with me because of my messy past?

I was left numb when Grace hugged me and whispered, "Don't think about it. Take some rest, and then we'll go out on a vacation to somewhere silent, there you can decide it calmly because it's the decision of your life and your future."

And immediately, a drop of tears slipped through my eyes because she was right, it was the decision of my life and my future.

Nodding my head, I said, "Thank you...thank you for being there with me. I owe you a lot."

"You don't, I will always be there for you." She said, making me feel grateful to her because she is the reason why I am safe and alive here.

I didn't want to eat anything, but the doctor and Grace forcefully made me eat the food before Grace went home to get some clothes of mine as the doctor advised me to stay there for a night.

Currently, I am lying on my bed and keep staring at the ceiling blankly as I was wondering what I should do now.

I gently rubbed my womb and thought of the baby who was breathing through me but I couldn't forget Issac who was after my life. For the last few weeks I worked in the kitchen of Grace's restaurant to avoid any kind of trouble, and now if Isaac gets to know about my baby, then it will create a threat for both of us. aborting my baby the solution? I..I know I got my baby because of a dark night mistake, but how can I abort my baby when only this child is the one whom I can call my family in this world?

I kept moving from left to right in the bed because these thoughts made me go nuts. Even though I don't want to harm my baby and keep it with me but Isaac's revenge is making me scared.

Unable to decide anything, I thought of taking a walk. I left my room and noticed a giant window at the church corner of the floor. I went near it and looked down. I noticed a few children playing in the hospital garden.

Unknown to me, I smiled after seeing them as I started caressing my womb. If I keep my baby then in two or three years, my baby will also play like them.

But..can I protect my baby? My mind questioned my heart, making my smile freeze. Again I sighed helplessly as my heart and mind were battling when suddenly I heard two men behind me talking in a very thin tone, but I am a werewolf, my ears are way too sharp than ordinary humans.

"But Alpha, all the pack members are waiting for their Luna. Even the council is urging you to have your heir as soon as possible to maintain the rules of the Alpha book." One of them said when the other man said in a deep husky tone, "Here my wolf is not cooperating with me to find our mates, we didn't even find our mate then from where would I get them an heir!"

I just blinked twice after hearing them. So he's an Alpha? Which Alpha? Of Which Pack?

I thought and stayed silent when they continued their conversation.

"That's why Alpha I suggested you get the heir through Surrogacy but_"

"These are bullshits! None of these she-wolves are capable enough to carry my heir!" He roared in a cold tone at the other guy, which I guess is his Beta.

Suddenly they both turned silent before his Beta again said, "Yes, Alpha Ramos. I know it's a little strange but your sp*rm can not be paired with the egg of whose she-wolves I got for you. The doctor tried a lot of times didn't work."

And that's it, my gasp left my mouth after hearing them, and I immediately kept my hand over my mouth to not let them feel my presence because he...he is Alpha Ramos??

Alpha Ramos...the strongest and the cruelest Alpha in the world! There are no werewolves in the world who don't know about Alpha Ramos! Even everyone gets a dry tongue just by hearing his name.

I guess I am the only one who got to know about this darkest secret of Alpha Ramos apart from them. I immediately gulped hard and thought of leaving this place silently not to get their attention because they would definitely wipe my existence from this world if they got to know that I knew their secret.

Leaving a breath, I slowly turned towards my room, and the moment I took my rushing step, my leg twisted, and a soft wimp left my mouth, but I immediately kept my hand over my mouth to not make any sound but to my great luck, I found two pair of eyes staring at me intensively.

I looked up, and my eyes fell on the dark golden eyes of the furious Alpha, who clenched his jaw, but he slowly looked down at my womb, making me gulp and turn back to run, run to save mine and my baby's life from this angry Alpha.

But even before I could take a step, I felt a cold hand wrapped around my wrist and made me turn back and greet those same furious golden eyes.

Those eyes...even though they were filled with anger but I felt my heart running so fast as if it would pop out anytime in his hand. Even the moment he touched my wrist, I felt something happen inside me as if I knew this hot touch! It felt so familiar and rough that I bit down my lower when he looked fiercely towards my womb!

Shit! Is he going to torture my baby because I know their secret? No! I can't allow that to happen!

Gulping hard, I thought to apologize and run, but the very next second, his furious roar echoed in the hall, making my heart drop to the ground with his words,

"Puppies, MINE!"

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