
Chapter 0005

Crystal’s Pov

Issac’s words just blew my mind away in surprise and shock. I… I entered the wrong room? No, no, I slept with the wrong man? f*ck!

I immediately sat down and turned back when a breath of relief left my mouth after seeing the empty bed. Thankfully he’s not here, or else I don’t know how I would have faced him.

He was not that old tycoon, and this is why I felt weird. I couldn’t resist his hot touches that made me wet like a pool for him. Even his rough touches also felt like fire on my body, making me scream for more.

My body again started turning hotter just thinking how he thrust roughly inside me yesterday. My vagina also started getting wet and a loud roar of Issac broke the chain of my thoughts.

“b*tch! If you want to see your mother again, then you better show up your *ss in front of your master and apologize to him before he turns you and your mom into ashes!”

Hearing Isaac, my heart immediately twisted in fear as I immediately replied, “I… I will immediately visit him and apologize, please don’t do anything to my mother!"

"My mother… did she woke up? Did she ask for me?” I asked as tears started leaving my eyes.

“Cough* s..she’s still sleeping, but you better clean this mess soon, or else the consequences won’t be nice.” Saying it, he cut the call, leaving me numb.

Here I gave my virginity to the wrong man who took me last night like a s*x-thirsty monster, and here my mom also didn’t wake up.

Wiping my tears, I immediately saw my dress lying on the floor. I gathered them with my shaky legs since my core was still paining.

I was afraid that the guy of last night would pop out in this room soon, so without even wearing my shoes, I just grabbed them and ran out of the hotel like a maniac, making everyone left glance at me.

Getting into the cab, I was supposed to the mansion of the master, but my heart was feeling uneasy thinking about my mother, who never stayed alone even for a night without me. I decided to check on my mother first.

During the ride, I had my eyes closed but the glimpse of the last night was floating in my mind, making my heart wrinkle in confusion.

‘Why didn't I resist him?' I couldn't help asking myself while hugging my arms. Last night, I felt not only my body, but my soul was also craving for his touches, making it impossible to stop him from claiming me.

I tried to connect with C*ssie but again she didn't reply. I knew she was still mad at my decision of selling myself. I insisted on my own way yet made a fatal mistake.

I slept with the wrong person, losing my virginity to him.

Because of that, I may lose my only chance to save my mom. And now, even my wolf had loathed me. Oh, what a mess! I felt like hitting myself.

Reaching the hospital, I rushed towards my mother’s ward because only her face could turn down the turmoil of my life.

The moment I entered her ward, my eyebrows squinted after seeing the cold and empty bed.

I immediately checked the washroom, and it was also empty, and that’s when I panicked hard. Did Isaac actually do anything to my mother? Did he shift her somewhere?

With shaky hands, I was about to call him when a nurse entered to clean the room, so I grabbed her elbow at once, making her turn toward me.

“ you know where the patient of this bed went?” I was already crying in fear when she looked a little surprised.

“You are_”

“I am her daughter.” I said when she turned silent, but I was going mad as I again asked, “She was in a Coma, and now she’s not here, did you shift her somewhere? Where?”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Your mother is dead. She died two hours ago.”

Her words dropped over my head, leaving me awestruck. I tried for a while and found back my voice, “W..what nonsense are you saying?"

I shook my head not wanting to accept, "My mom was perfectly fine yesterday, and she was just in Coma, how can you say she died?"

"You must be kidding, right? Did Issac ask you to say that?"

"Yes, it must be him. He is mad that I made a mistake." As if finding the right answer, I nodded while holding her arms more tightly.

"Please! Tell me where my mom is! Now!” This time, I almost roared at her.

She glanced at me with pity, and then I heard her sigh,

“I am not lying to you, Ms."

"If you don’t trust me, you can find her body in the morgue. You can see it with your own eyes. Now leave me. I have to clean this room.”

Saying it, she walked away, and I was left rooted in my place. I couldn't feel anything, I felt like my soul left me.

No! mom didn't die!

I experienced so much to get enough money for her surgery and Issac did tell me it was a success. What I needed was only to work and wait, wait for the day she would open her eyes.

I'm sure it must be a joke or the nurse mistook my mom for someone else. I..I have to check that body.

Wiping my tears, I ran towards the morgue, which was located on the underground floor of the hospital. My tears kept leaving my eyes no matter how much I wiped them, but I knew that woman was not my mother, and I will confirm it.

Finally, I saw the door of the morgue, with my thumping heart, I was about to enter when a very familiar tone made me stop in my place.

"Shit! That b*tch just ruined my perfect plan!"

My hand froze at the door knob because this voice belonged to Issac!

I slowly peeked inside the room and gasped after seeing the body of my mother lying on the table.

Not only my eyes but my heart was bleeding like hell! Pain... That only thing could describe my heart at the moment with the lifeless body of my mother inside the room.

Her face just made me realize what a fool and worthless daughter I am! Let alone saving her, I wasn't even near her when she left me!

My entire body froze with my heart when I was about to enter and the man beside Issac asked, "Boss, now her mother is dead, I don't think she'll continue to be the breeder."

"As if I'll tell her about her mother, Huh?" Issac said with a dirty smirk, making my eyes wide in shock.

"When I already didn't tell her that no one in this world can save her mother, how do you think I'll tell her about her mother's death?"

"What do you mean, Boss? She didn't know about it?" The men continued to ask and Issac just scoffed.

"Of course not! She was beautiful, and a top of that, VIRGIN, just like how my client wanted his breeder to be."

"Why should I have told her that the disease of her mother had been long incurable? I just gave a little hope to get, and she trusted me with everything."

I took a step back as I couldn't believe my ears. My eyes and mouth were left wide, with tears rolling down like a broken dam.

He..he already knew this operation would never be successful, but still, he made me believe that my mother would be back beside me? He played with my trust!

"But boss, now what will we do?" The other man said with worry, "Master is furious. The woman is not even a virgin now, so there's no way he'll accept her. We also lost 2 million dollars of the deal, and Master even threatened to reveal our business to the Alpha King."

Hearing that, Issac clenched his jaw, "Since she is the reason why I have to be in this situation, I will make that b*tch pay for all this."

"Just let her come back here, I will make her the wh*re of this city and make all of my men f*ck her hard to get her brain back on her head!

"She played with me? I will make all the grouchy men have her so that she can understand how it feels to go against me!"

"Get ready, she might arrive soon. Get the chart of the men ready and take her to them as soon as she arrives." Issac ordered and the other two guys nodded, while I was covering my mouth with the back of my hand not to leave any painful screams.

Tears flooded my eyes and I was rooted in my place peeking in the direction of my mother's body.

Why? Why should all this happen to me?

I never asked for much. I just wanted to live in peace with my mother. Even so, fate had never spared me. Was I born cursed? Why was fate so harsh on me?

"Don't stand here, go and check if she's back or not!" Isaac snapped at a man who nodded his head before coming towards the door.

I knew I couldn't stay here any longer. I took a few last glimpses at my mother with grief. I wished I could give her at least a hug but was not allowed to risk it under such a condition.

'M...Mom, forgive me, I couldn’t save you.'

'I've been stupid enough but Mom, I promise to be the strongest version of myself, just like you wanted me to be.

'I love you.'

With that, I turned back and ran away with teary eyes without even turning back.

I have to run away from these heartless monsters! Even if I was doomed to die, I would never allow myself to die in their hands.

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