
Chapter 0004

Crystal's POV

My mind was blank when Issac the agent successfully helped me and my mother settle in the capital city.

I knew Luke and Bracky could never find and hurt me here. I'm safe now. But I still had no idea how Issac made it.

He just snapped his fingers, and Bracky and her wolves who were so close to us were instantly sent miles away from us.

He had taken us near a secret gate, and in a flash, we crossed that border without alerting anyone. How could it happen? Was Issac a wizard or something else? Was it really a wise choice to take his offer?

"Miss, your bath is ready." The chain of my thoughts was interrupted by the voices of the maids, who were helping me with my fitting.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I feel like I'm in a different world. In the mirror, I was shiny and bright; but inside myself, I felt rotten slowly.

Half a month ago, Issac had taken me to meet the client as soon as we arrived in this city. I hadn't seen the face of the client but from his voice, I could tell he was old enough to be my grandfather.

After hearing that I was still a Virgin, he happily allowed me to stay at one of his mansions for some time to recuperate. Actually, he just didn't want to spoil the fun because of the injuries I was carrying.

His maids had cleaned my entire body many times as if I was living in filth for years. And after every bath, they applied some Lily flagrance oil to my whole body and gave me an unwanted m*ssage. They even applied honey on my private parts saying their master ordered it.

I felt helpless…It felt like I just escaped from one cage to another, only this time I had the luxury of life. But I knew it would all be short-lived. After I gave birth to that baby the client required, it would be time for me to leave.

I'm not afraid of that but more afraid of losing my freedom. It was said the client was too old and not strong enough. It may need many nights for me to successfully conceive his child.

I felt sadly reduced to being a high-cl*ss prostitute, and the only thing that could comfort me was that they did find the best hospital to operate on my mother. The surgery was successful, but Mom was still in a coma, and in order to ensure she could wake up safely, I had to make this deal.

‘C*ssie, please talk to me. I have no one other than you!’ I tried to call on my wolf again. Since we left my previous pack, she had ignored me. I feel very uneasy as if something important would happen tomorrow.

At that moment, I wanted her to be around me. But she didn't respond to me even until I arrived at the hotel the next day. I clenched my fists while looking at the luxurious seven-star hotel before our car.

"Hey, did you listen to me?" Issac admonished me seriously, "Make your master happy and the final payment for your mother's treatment will arrive tomorrow. Don't dare to play tricks. My men are having my eyes on your mother.

I've already told you the room number. The master is already waiting for you. Now go." He said when I left the car with a clouded mind. I felt lost, but I didn't stop walking.

I wished C*ssie could say something to comfort me but she gave me no reply. It certainly intensified my unease.

Getting out of the lift, I kept walking until I noticed room 1101, and just by looking at the room number, I felt my body shivering.

'Am I doing it right? C*ssie, please talk to me. I'm afraid!' I begged, but C*ssie didn't say a word and her silence made me take a long breath before walking inside the room and closing the door gently.

Seeing the giant room, which was dark as the lights were turned off, my heart was pounding rapidly as if it would come out anytime.

I was walking inside with slow steps when I gasped silently after seeing a body on the couch whose face was not clear to me because of the darkness.

"Why the heck did you take so long?" He said in a majestic cold tone, making my legs turn soft as if my end was approaching.

f*ck f*ck f*ck! Why the f*ck I choose this deal!

I gulped and said, "S..s..sor_"

"STRIP," he said, that one word that would change my world.

I tightened my hold around my shirt and stayed still when he said, "DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF!”


And I flinched in fear at his angry roar, but my hands just froze with my eyes locked on the floor. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing was coming out.

Suddenly I felt a cold palm wrapped around my right wrist, and the next moment, I was harshly pushed against the soft bed with a muscular man hovering over my body, making my breathing hitched in surprise.

"I have warned you, but it seems like you want to get punished." He said in a dead cold tone and in a second, my skirt and top were lying on the floor. He tore off everything like a hungry beast. My eyes went wide when his cold lips claimed mine.

Our tongues were literally dancing together. He tasted strangely weird but tasty!

My b*obs were in front of his mouth while he inserted his hot fingers inside my panty, making me gasp hard.

'What is happening to my body? Why it's so hot as if someone lit a fire on my body!'

And his scent was so pleasuring that I felt myself getting lost in his touch and smell while he was moving his fingers roughly inside me.

Oh my Goddess, what happened to me?

It was so dark that I couldn't even see his face, but I could feel how strong and needy he was just by his hard touches...Wait!

Wasn't the client an old weak man? How could this man feel so strong and young?

"Are you...Agh...f*ck!" I couldn't help but moan out loud when he took my erotic hard right n*pple in his mouth.

"Yes, I am going to f*ck you!" His deep husky tone again made me close my legs tightly and I could feel his hard member rubbing against my vagina.

d*mn! It felt so f*cking weird. I was craving it like a wh*re!

"Aghh!!" I was lost when he suddenly tore apart my vagina as he thrust his hard-like rod d*ck deep inside me in one go, making me scream with a lonely drop of tear slip out of my eye.

"Agh.. you're so big..." I sobbed but didn't want to let him out. Then I heard him whisper near my ear, "Easy, woman, and let me in. I’ll be gentle."

The last thing I should do was trust his words.

He slowed down for a while but as soon as I relaxed, his d*ck went all the way inside eagerly. He again kissed me while raising my waist with his hands wrapped around it as it made him hit my G-spot.

The whole room echoed our moans. I felt like floating in the sky of pleasure. I could feel him growing harder and thicker inside me as his thrusts also got wilder.

"Ahh, your wall is squeezing the life on my Di*k," he said while biting my n*pples harshly, and that's it, I cum hard with a loud scream.

Increasing his pace, he also exploded inside me, and we both fell into the bed together.

I f*cking swear, I have done all kinds of heavy and exhausting work in my life, but those are nothing in front of s*x with him!

That night turned out to be very long that I couldn't count how many times he had me for the whole night.

I had no time to clear my thoughts until an urging call woke me up the next afternoon.

“Who’s it?” I mumbled but the next moment a furious roar of Issac came from the other side, “b*tch! Where have you been?! How dare you make the master wait for you for the whole night!”

“What are you saying? I was with the master last night, in Room 1101.” I said back and immediately I heard Issac gasping hard before he shouted furiously,

“You stupid! You went inside the wrong room!”
Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Carol Gilmore
this is going to be a really good book. i love the way its started. i hope it ends with HEA for the male and female leads

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