
Chapter 0003

Crystal's Pov

I had nowhere to run.

I fought against him with all my strength but as an Alpha, he was much stronger than me.

My old dress ripped apart under his violence, and he rubbed my body more roughly. I felt hopeless.

As tears rolled down my cheeks, he lifted my chin and said, "Don't pretend to be an innocent girl. It won't be long before you'll beg me to have you."

His words made me sick and I couldn't help but retort, "Even if you can get my body, you won't get my heart. You're a rapist."

My words obviously angered him, his Alpha's pride surely could not bear this. I hoped it could make him give up but I underestimated his impudence.

"Try me again, I'll make you watch your mother die." He squeezed my plumpness with malice and reminded me, "She's in need of an operation, isn't she?"

His rude movement made me give a painful cry, but his words shocked me even more. Was he threatening to cut off all medical support for my mother? But...

"Your father had promised me..." I wanted to remind him but my voice couldn't help trembling. No matter how much I needed to suffer myself, I still hoped for my mother to be healthy and happy. I would take any cost.

"My father? You really count on him?" He scoffed as he started running his hands over my body, "What make you think he had the mercy to take in a useless puppy like you?"

"It was only because your mother agreed to lay down and moan for him."

My eyes widened as my heart froze. My body couldn't help shivering. No! It can't be true. He must be lying!

"You know what? She was also his first mate." He leaned down and warn me, "You have no difference from her."

"Just like your sl*tty mother who opened her legs beneath my father, you're destined to be my bed slave, getting your core wet for me night after night."

His poisonous words annoyed me. absolutely can't stand the way he slandered my mother. Who the hell he thought he was?!

With some power rushing through my arms, I pushed him away when his hand traveled down to my vagina. I kicked him hard at his d*ck and pushed him so hard that he flew twenty meters away from me and immediately he cried out loud in pain while holding his d*ck.

I was shocked looking at my hands. I didn't expect it will work. How?

And Luke was cursing in pain on the ground. "Oh you f*cking b*tch. You're dead."

He shouted furiously in the air and soon I heard a few wolf howls. I just hurt the Alpha and they would soon come to get me.

'Shit! We can't get caught by them here. Run, Crystal. RUN!' My wolf urged and I didn't take a second to turn my back and run with my all.

I ran so fast but I still remembered to get my ill mother from our house first. My soul left my body when I saw her unconscious body lying in front of the door.

"Mom!" I screamed and ran towards her when I noticed she was unconscious and her body was dead cold.

"What should I do now?" I cried out and kept tapping her cheeks, but she didn't respond a bit, making my heart shiver in fear.

'Just leave here first, Crystal. It's not safe here and we need to take her to some big hospital. Let's run away!' C*ssie suggested and I immediately nodded.

I'm running through the woods like mad with my mother's unconscious body in my back. The moment I heard the wolves running towards my house, I just used our backdoor and ran as fast as I could to save our lives.

"Mom, please hang on; I'll take you to the hospital as soon as possible," I whispered, but her body was getting colder. Soon enough, I saw the giant red border of our pack.

Shit! How will I cross it now? It's locked, and all-time the delta guards of our packs keep walking around here.

Stopping near a big tree, I made my mother sit there and tried to look for a way to cross the border, but...there was no way.

Kicking on the border, I cursed, "f*ck! What will I do now? Already hundreds of wolves are after my life."

Suddenly a voice came from behind, making me jerk up.

"Looking for a way, gorgeous?"

I instantly turned back as I thought Luke found me, but surprisingly, an unknown man was standing a few meters away from me with a weird slay smile lingering on his face.

I immediately took a step back because his smile gave me chills over my body, as if his smile was calling DANGER.

"W..who are you?" I asked because I could sense that he was not a guard.

He had a cigarette in his hand while he smirked before saying, "Someone whom you're in need of, gorgeous."

'Is he after my body just like Luke? Shit! Where did I land!' I kept taking steps back to run from there after taking my mother's unconscious body in my arm.

Seeing that, he scoffed, "Thinking of running away? But without me, how are you going to cross this border?"

He stepped forward and continued, "The Alpha is after your beautiful *ss and your mom is also in need of money to get a cure. Trust me, I'm the only one that could help you."

My entire body froze after hearing him. How does he know everything?

"Who the hell are you?" I asked in a surprised tone as 'Shock' was written over my face.

He smirked and said, "Your Savior or your knight of the dark night, you can call me anything."

"But before that, let me remind you, they're not very far from here. Even the future Luna herself is out to bury you alive."

"After knowing you have touched her future husband, how can you expect her to leave you alone? We don't have time for chit-chat."

His words turned me pale as I was reminded of Bracky'swarning.

[After the party, after Luke announces me as his Luna, I'll definitely turn you into the wh*re of the pack!"]

Hell NO! I can't let it happen.

"Do you know how to cross this border? me." I literally begged him and he replied.

"I am here to save you, gorgeous. But in return, I want something from you."

I felt my heart pounding rapidly because they all always wanted the same thing from me...MY BODY! Is he going to rape me?

Even my wolf was a little scared because he seemed too unpredictable and we still couldn't smell his scent to distinguish his identity. But soon his answer took me by surprise.

"Don't worry, I don't want your life or your body for me."

"Then..what do you want?" I asked carefully because he was definitely not a shining knight of my life who'll save me from his hell without anything in return.

He dropped his cigarette on the ground and said, "I am a secret agent of the capital city. I fulfill the wishes of my rich clients, and currently, I am looking for a beautiful girl to be a breeder for one of the most influential families."

"You're beautiful, young, and desperate for money, a perfect candidate."

"I can help you out of this border and give you money to save your mother's life but in have to agree to be a breeder for my client. You'll leave after giving birth to the baby."

He said it with a smirk but his words even made me forget to breathe for a while. I thought maybe he wanted my body but...even worse, he wanted my body to carry a baby? For some stranger?

How ridiculous my life was? Why did all this have to happen to me?

"No! I will never be someone's breeder!" I snapped at him and he scoffed.

"Pretty girl, you should be grateful for your luck that my eyes fell on your angelic face."

"With a million dollars, I can find plenty of girls to be the breeder but I thought you needed it most, so I offered. But since you're just an ungrateful b*tch. Then get lost."

I was left rooted as his words left me speechless. I do need money and need to get myself out of here with my mother. But carrying a child for someone could I know it was not another trick?

'NO! What the f*ck are you thinking, Crystal? The Moon Goddess is the only one who can give us a mate. It's a betrayal of the Goddess!' C*ssie hissed at me but suddenly I heard Bracky's furious tone.

"FIND THAT b*tch AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! She dared to seduce my future husband and injured him!"

"I shall make her a f*cking s*x slave and kill her mercilessly! Get her in my paw now!"

I got goosebumps as I turned in that direction. Bracky was coming towards me with a group of wolves, and just by hearing her, my heart started shivering.

'If I stay here, we will die, C*ssie! And Mother needs treatment as soon as possible. I...I have no other choice.' I told C*ssie but she didn't want to listen.

'Are you being serious? We have to be faithful to our mate!'

'MATE? You mean the bast*rd who rejected us mercilessly? Or the one who insulted us and only wants to make us his bed slave?' I said in a mocking tone and C*ssie lowered her head in defeat.

'The Goddess has her own plan.'

'But I don't care! Do you want me to become a pack wh*re and rot in the dungeon? Compared to that, what's the big deal about a few nights with a stranger? At least, we can get money to save my mother.' I said as tears fall down. It’s also an extremely hard choice for me but C*ssie couldn’t understand, she turned silent making me feel trashy.

"Why aren't you leaving? They'll kill you once they get you?" That man again scoffed in my face when I closed my eyes for a second before opening them again.

"Deal." I said when he blinked and raised his eyebrows, "What?"

"I say I will take your offer. But before that, you have to show me that you're able to help me out of this shit." I said coldly as I glanced in the direction of my pursuers.

"There she is! GET HER!"

Bracky shouted as she noticed my trail. Her hair waved angrily in the wind but somehow, I felt nothing but tired at that moment.

Since fate liked to play tricks on me so much, then let's play. Let's see who would give in in the end.

"That's a good girl." The agent laughed out loud and grabbed my wrist. "Follow me and you'll know your life will be rewritten from now on."

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