
Chapter 0002

Crystal’s POV

I felt my breathing get stuck in my throat while staring into his eyes with my open mouth. I could still feel the sparks flying between us.

Never in my dream had I thought that Luke would be my mate! An Alpha will be my mate. How’s it possible?

‘There's nothing impossible. The Moon Goddess chose you for him.’ C*ssie said happily when I heard whispers from people around us.

[W..wait! Is this dirty maid Luke's mate? She is going to be his Luna?]

[My goodness! I feel sorry for Luke, he must be cursed.]

[I am also feeling terrible for Bracky.]

[But why is she looking injured so bad? Has she been treated fairly here?]

More and more speculation poured into my ears, pulling me out of my lost mind. With my status, I was not supposed to be here. Tonight had many noble guests here, and Alpha will surely punish me for ruining such an important party. I took a peek around only to get Bracky who was staring at me with killing eyes.

f*ck, I'm screwed!

I scrambled to get up, but my dirty wet heavy dress tripped me again. My face reddened when someone laughed at my clumsy movements. But the next second, a slender hand reached out to me.

“Take my hand.” Luke's tender voice sounded as I looked up.

Shit! His one simple sentence made my heart beat hundred times in a second, and his gentle eyes made me happy inside. He seemed not like others. Should I trust him?

'Just trust our mate, Crystal.' C*ssie suggested in excitement.

I slowly took his hand, and again my entire body turned hot as I felt electricity rush through my veins, leaving me numb.

When I could stand on my feet, he gave me a smile before turning towards that noble woman I bumped into. Goddess, he was just like a Prince Charming. Could I really be his mate? Would he accept me?

Then I heard him apologize to that woman, “I am sorry for the accident, lady. We'll pay for your loss later. Please allow my men to take you to change first.”

It was out of my surprise that he didn't blame me. Did that mean he was likely to accept us? I couldn't help but feel my heart pounding fast as he turned toward me again.

He wore a black and royal golden tuxedo with arranged hair, making him look like a king. I kept my tense hands holding together, trying my best to stand elegant and waiting for his answer to me.

He stopped just a few steps away from me before saying, “Crystal… right?”

My name sounded like honey from his mouth and when I nodded my head, he continued, “I'm really happy to find my mate. Personally, I don't mind no matter what she is. I will protect her with my life as long as she is my mate.”

My smile widened with his every word. I started believing C*ssie's opinion that our mate was worthy to be trusted and loved. However, my smile soon froze at his next words.

“But Crystal...I am going to be an Alpha and you know that,” He said with an apologetic smile, "As an Alpha, I have to consider my pack even before myself."

Luke sighed and said, “And as far as I know, you don't have a wolf, right? You can not shift."

Many guests gasped to hear that and again they started gossiping.

[Wow, how could a wolf-less Luna lead and protect the pack?]

[Oh, what a poor young Alpha! He is so excellent and deserves a better mate.]

[That lowly omega should give up. She can not be a good Luna.]

Those murmurs pressed on my heart heavily. It suddenly dawned on me that I was still that girl who was destined to be abandoned. My mate didn't want me. He didn't really care about me but his Alpha reputation.

I chuckled and asked, trying my best not to show them my sadness, "So, you're going to reject me, aren't you?"

He seemed to not expect me to be so direct and explained, "I have no other choice."

He acted like he was sorry but I didn't find any sincerity in his eyes. I smiled sarcastically as I agreed, "OK, I accept."

‘No! What are you saying, Crystal!’ C*ssie was furious, hot like lava, ‘They can not do this! We’re chosen for each other by the goddess!’

I ignore C*ssie like air and from the corner of my eyes, I caught Luke’s eyes lightening up as if he was waiting for it!

He thanked me falsely and didn’t take a second to announce, “I, Luke George, the Alpha of the Dark Moon pack, reject you Crystal Roger as my Mate and the Luna of my pack!"

I thought I was ready but still felt my heart getting ripped into pieces as sharp pain rushed to my heart through my arms. It was so painful that I immediately fell to my knees while holding my heart.

Wiping my tears, I immediately said back, “I... Crystal Roger, accept your rejection." And that's when another flow of pain went through my heart. I felt someone was pulling out my heart from my body.

I had closed my eyes in pain, but I knew all of them were staring at me. I didn't want to let them enjoy more of my weakness, so I tried my best to stand up.

Luke pretended to offer more help but I refused. I had no interest to be a tool to complete the show of his kindness. All I wanted to do was to run home and cry in my mom's arms. She was the only one who cherished me in the world.

I was near the gate when I heard Luke proudly announcing Bracky as his new Luna. It hit me one more time and I instantly turn back only to see Luke kissing Bracky in front of everyone when they all were cheering and applauding for them.

Tears kept rolling down when I noticed Bracky was showing me a mocking smile. I knew what she wanted to say that I could never defeat her.

Turning towards the woods, I ran away, I ran far away from them. Tears kept flowing through my eyes, and my heart kept aching in pain, but I didn't stop for a second.

'Why? Why it all happens to me all the time? Why Goddess you have to be so cruel to me?'

'I never asked an Alpha to be my mate. I just want a normal one who would not mind my past and respect me. Is this too much?'

'Even if I am destined to be rejected, why should it be Luke and Bracky? Am I being cursed for love? Haven't I suffered enough?'

I was cursing my fate while through the woods when abruptly, I felt cold arms holding my wrist, and in a second, my back was harshly pushed against a tree, making me gasp in surprise, but my eyes were closed because of the sudden pull.

However, suddenly a familiar scent rushed through my nose. It's... it's the same smell as my mate!

I instantly opened my eyes, and again a hard gasp left my mouth when I saw LUKE standing in front of me, and this time, a dazzling smile crept over his face. He had caged me in his arms.

"Are you running away from me, little mate?" He asked near my ears and his hot breath made me quiver. The time of severing our bond was too short to remove the full effect.

'What the heck is he doing here? Did he just follow me?'

I was stunned when he flirtatiously bit my earlobe and said, "How could an omega like you smell so heavenly that my wolf goes crazy to have you."

what the h*ll did he mean? He was the one who chose to reject me a few minutes ago and now he was saying he wanted me? Did I have no shame in his eyes?

I felt anger in my heart and I tried to push him away, "You just rejected me and we aren't mates anymore. Let me go!"

But surprisingly, he scoffed and said, "Yes, I rejected you, but I never said I'd allow you to leave me. And I'm also your new Alpha, I can f*ck you in all the positions as I want!"

My eyes went wide. I was shocked after hearing his filthy words. His beautiful face was distorted with anger, which put me in a trance. Was this still that noble prince? He looked more like a devil now.

Before I could resist, he started kissing my neck and ordered me while stripping my dress, "Submit to your Alpha, little thing. I know you also want me."

I tried my best to resist but he was too strong. And what scared me most was that every touch with him stirred up a desire within me. In the fantasy of all werewolf girls, giving your virginity to your mate would undoubtedly be the sweetest dream. For all these years, I also had expected it.

But now it turned out to be my nightmare. I hated that my body still got feelings from his touch. I hated that I didn't suppress my moans when he violently sucked my breast. I hated that deep inside I still wanted to have my mate.

"d*mn, you taste so good, even better than Bracky!"

When I was close to giving in to that stupid mate bond, his words quenched all my desires, which finally gave me some power to push him a bit away.

"You have slept with Bracky?!"

I couldn't hide the resentment in my voice and C*ssie was angrily growling in my head too. Even though life was never easy for us, I still tried hard to keep our virginity well for our mate. But looking back at our so-called mate, he already had another woman, who happened to be my biggest bully. I felt sick.

How could I be so stupid? He already kissed Bracky in front of people and announced her to be his new Luna. He didn't really love me. He just wanted my body.

Before I could run away, he caught my arms and smirked: "Got jealous, huh? Don't worry, I will keep Bracky at her place and you at your place. Just keep your wet core ready for me to f*ck every day!"

"Over my dead body!" I gritted my teeth but he laughed out.

"I'm your Alpha and how far can you run without a wolf? As long as I want, I can lock you on my bed. You'd better know that."

He held me tighter but the touch with him couldn't give me any spark anymore. At that moment I only wanted to get rid of him, so I bit his arm hard making him release his hand.

"Ah! You crazy b*tch!" He cursed and soon forced me onto the tree, "You really need some lesson now."

The n*ked lust and anger in his eyes were unsettling but I had nowhere to run.

Oh my Goddess, what should I do?

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