

The Third Date

They say that things happen in threes - good and bad.

If you’ve made it to the third date, then congratulations! Take a moment to pat yourself on the back. You’ve run the gauntlet of the first date nerves and then managed to get through a one-on-one date without screwing up. You should be proud of yourself and take a moment to bask in the glory.

Okay then, moving on.

The game changes now. The third date is the go/no-go date. If you get past this date then you are looking at exclusivity and ‘The Conversation.’ Up until this point you have been circling one another, but now is the moment when you decide whether or not you are all in.

There are some questions you need to ask yourself. Is this the woman you can see spending a good majority of your time, money, and resources on? Those little habits that you think are cute now, will they in fact become so annoying that you want to stab yourself in the eye? Is this a woman you would bring home to meet your mother? Are you prep
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