

“You slept with her!”

Finn looked up from his desk to see Jack standing in the doorway of his office, a printout of what had to be his latest blog post in his hand.


“Don't ‘Jack’ me,” he said, stepping into the office and closing the door behind him. “You slept with her.”

Finn sighed and then leaned back in his chair and ran his hands through his hair. “Fu-uck.”

Jack walked across the office and took a seat opposite Finn. “Why, man? Why did you sleep with her? I thought you liked her?”

“I did. I do.”

Jack sat back and studied Finn. Finn wanted to squirm under his gaze, but he kept himself still.

“You're in love—”

“No,” Finn said holding his hand up to stop Jack from speaking. “No. Not love. I am attached to her. We have a connection. We have chemistry. Yes, I slept with her and I'm not sorry I did it.” He took a breath. “Not sorry at all,” he finished quietly.

“You might not be sorry,” Jack said, “but you definitely regret it.”

Finn cocked an eyebrow at h
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